Chapter 8

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Echo POV:

Everyone else had Gone home, they finished up the movie and left, it was pretty late after all. Narrator gave me a hug and said good night, and he went to bed. Eddie came in the room a minute later. "Hey Echo, are you ok? You disappeared not long in the movie." "Y-Yeah, just the movie scared me and reminded me of some things, that's all." "Ok, just wanted to make sure you're ok." Eddie told me. "Yep! Thanks Eddie!" I gave him a hug. We said goodnight and he went to his room. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and got back into bed. I listened to some music for a bit and I went to sleep.

Gaege POV:

We got home around 11 at night, so a decent time for once, haha. Anywho, I live with Ayden and Swagger Next door to Eddie's house now. We got home and we all headed upstairs. We said good night to Ayden, and he went to bed. I stayed up a bit with Swagger to talk real quick. "Sooooo... Um, what's been going on with you?" I asked him. "Uh... Nothing much, just living in the same neighborhood with all of my best friends now. And I adopted a smol bean." We both chuckled. "Hey, me too! And my friend Swagger adopted this cool chick named Echo and he named her Swaggs Jr." Both of us laughed, we all loved having silly conversations like this.

We suddenly heard glass breaking downstairs. We both looked at each other and ran downstairs. We got downstairs and we saw a man with a machete. Swagger and I looked at each other wide eyed and looked back to the man. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR HOUSE?!" I yelled. "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?" He screamed back at us. "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! WE DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, AND WE DON'T HAVE ANY KID!" Swagger screamed back. 

The following may be a tad bit violent for some readers. Skip ahead to the next bold text to skip it.

The man ran towards me with the machete. I thought for sure, I was gonna die. I braced myself and waited for the guy to somehow hurt or even kill me. Until I heard Swagger Cry out in pain. I opened my eyes to see him in front of me beating the man up. The man was about to grab his machete again but Swagger slammed his head into the ground, knocking him out.

End of Violence

I went over to him. "Are you ok?! I heard you cry out in pain." I noticed blood on his arm. "I got a huge gash in my arm when he swung at me, but I should be ok." "Hold on, Let me put pressure on it." I took my shirt off and wrapped it around his arm to stop the bleeding. I noticed Swagger kind of staring at me, and blushing a bit. "You... Heh... Like what you see?" I asked while nervously blushing. The police showed up outside. I told Swagger to keep putting pressure on the wound. I opened the door and let the police in. They arrested the guy, and put him in the back of a police car. The paramedics showed up a bit later, and treated Swagger's arm. I asked the police officer for the guys name. "We can notify you of his name once we take him in, is that ok?" She asked me. I said yes and they asked for a report on what happened and ways to contact me. They took a report and left.

Ayden came downstairs. "Where were you?" Swagger asked him. "I heard screaming from you guys and someone else so I called the police." He explained. "Thank you Ayden." We told him. "You're welcome. It was the least I could do. And I'm sorry I couldn't help you guys." He apologized. "Hey, it's ok, we understand, it might of been best that you didn't get caught in this mess." Swagger told him.

I cleaned up the broken glass and went upstairs with everyone else. I decided to talk to Swagger again real quick. "Hey Swaggs!" I called for him. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked me. "T-Thank you, for saving me earlier." I told him. "Hey, no problem kiddo. I wasn't gonna let you get killed." He told me. I gave him a hug. Swagger's a really nice guy, he's selfless, kind, and always looks out for his friends. Wait, what's this weird feeling I got going on? Like butterflies in my stomach or something? Oh, nevermind, it's nothing.

We heard a knock at the door downstairs.  Swagger and I looked at each other wide eyed. We both went downstairs to check it out, and it turns out Ayden followed us too. I opened the door to see poor Echo standing there with tears in her eyes. She gave me a hug, and cried. "A-Are you guys o-ok? I saw police and paramedics here." Swagger came forward and told her what happened.

Swagger POV:

I went to Echo and knelt down next to her. "Someone broke in with a machete and tried to attack us. He ended up hurting my arm, but other than that, we're fine." I explained to her, trying to reassure her. She gave me a hug too. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, I'm ok Jr." I kept hugging her to try and calm her down. Gaege's phone went off. "Sorry, someone texted me. Oh, the police got the guy's name." Gaege explained to us. "Well what's his name?" Ayden questioned him. "His name is David Iris." I never heard the name before, but I looked back at Echo, and she looked so scared and pale. "What's wrong Jr.?" I asked her. "That-" she started talking but momentarily paused. "That's my fathers name." She said sounding terrified. We all looked at each other with looks of fear. "What-What do we do?!" She asked us. "Get everyone together at Eddie's, we'll figure something out." I told them. We called everyone to meet at Eddie's house.

*a few minutes later*

Echo POV:

We all went back to Eddie's house to talk about everything going on. "What-What do we do?!" I asked while visibly shaking. Reekid came over and gave me a hug. "Don't worry Echo, we'll figure it out." He told me. "I don't think we're safe here." Josh told us. "Should we go somewhere?" Mully chimed in. "Maybe like a vacation, perhaps?" Ayden asked us. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." Eddie said. "Where would we go?" I spoke up and asked. "Maybe we could go to Erie? (It's a cool town in Pennsylvania, A while north of where I live) I heard it's a nice place to go this time of year." Kristy suggested. I guess the weather would be pretty nice and warm, given that it's currently May, and it would probably be a nice break from the Florida heat. We all decided that it would be a nice place to go for a while until this whole thing blows over.

And that my cinnamon rolls is Chapter 8 of Finding Home. Sorry again Echo/You weren't in in as much again, but I thought the other guys needed to be in the story a bit more, if you know what I mean. Anywho, I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

Finding Home (The Boys X Female Reader + Narrator Father Figure)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang