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When Thea finally awoke, she was alone in her hotel room bed

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When Thea finally awoke, she was alone in her hotel room bed.

You know the feeling when you've been dreaming forever (and some really weird stuff happens in your dreams including a Borgov talk show cult, a Benny sex lizard dream) and you forget completely where you are and what you're doing? In a hotel room?

If you have, well that's what Thea was feeling like.


She let out a groan and sluggishly plopped herself out of the all too comfy bed. If only she could live in those sheets forever, and never have to face her dad.

Her father, Borgov.


She checked the clock on her bedside table, ticking away, and concluded that she was ten minutes late to the match.

She had overslept!

Beth and Thea planned to go earlier to the match so that Thea would have time to confront Borgov. She would also be able to make him lose focus on the match guaranteeing a win for Beth.

Cynical, but effective.

But now their plan had gone down the drain.

She raced to put her maroon trousers and yellow blouse on and fingered through her hair.

Towards the mirror, she straightened her posture and gave a smile. Now she didn't know exactly why she was smiling to herself, because it definitely didn't feel real. Maybe it was to help her because she could get through anything!

Superficial? Yes. But did she need it? Also- yes.

She snatched her black heels and tore down the hall, forgetting to lock her hotel room. It didn't matter.

She turned a right corner, and to her eyes a horror confronted her.

The end of the hallway had the only elevator down, filled with people and just about to close.

"Stop the elevator!"

No one seemed to understand her. Then she realized that none of them spoke English.

Doing her best, she sprinted as fast as she could in her bare feet, multicolored carpet whizzing by her.

She could have cried when she heard a familiar voice say, "Thea!", and a stop of the elevator doors, opening back up again.

Thea squeezed into the small compartment, thankful to the arms giving her a quick squeeze.

"Townes! What, what are you doing here? In Paris? Just to see Beth play?" Thea asked.

He sighed, "So I came to see the match, but there are other reasons to go to Paris."

Thea gave him a questionable look.

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