t w e n t y

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Oscar went home. He decided to tell both heros about his disorder, and how he was barely able to overcome the akuma. Without it, her lucky charm wouldn't have worked properly.

Adrien also went home. He didn't want his father and Natalie to worry too much because he was gone for so long. He was one of the longest akumas they faced, so they were out for a while.

Marinette stood at her balcony. She sighed. Hawkmoth was such a cruel person, akumatizing someone for having a strong desire to make their own sister really happy, only to have their spirits crushed if they do one thing wrong.

They had informed Noah what happened. And, as he expected, freaked out over it and asked if he was okay over and over. This cheered him up, somehow.

"Are you sure your going to be fine for the photo shoot tomorrow?" Adrien asked from the other line. Marinette heard a chuckle from the line.

"I'll be fine." Oscar reassured. "I admit, it did break my spirit a little bit, but I won't let that stop me from doing the thing I love to do." she heard ruffling from his line, and she sat down on the bench that was on her balcony. "Being akumatized isn't the end of the world, Adrien."

"Well I know that, but a lot of being need to rebuild themselves before going straight back out there." he said, before yawning. "Aren't you like, even a little tired? From trying to escape, that is."

"Well no," he informed, and she listened closely. "Me trying to break out was simpler than you think it was. I was pushing through a void of evil to get out, I was just begging to come out. It really doesn't take all that much, but it is nearly impossible to get out without any reassurance."

"Buckethead helped you?" Noah asked, bewilder in his voice. "That was your worst time though, how could it have helped you?" he was shifting in his position, which could be heard from the line. "You always said that you couldn't stand that side of you anymore."

"Not being able to stand your own self seems difficult." Marinette scoffed, receiving a snort from her boyfriend. "Why didn't you tell anyone before us?"

Oscar chuckled uneasily. "No one would understand, and my family is complicated. Anyway, besides the point, we all going out for ice cream at five?"

"Hell yeah!" Noah exclaimed.

"I'll try to make it." the model said. "You know my father is."

"Okay, see you all later, maybe."

"Bye, Marinette."



"Here you go, young man!" André, the ice cream man said cheerfully, giving Adrien an ice cream that had described Marinette so well. He did the same for her, but it had described him.

Oscar and Noah weren't in love with anyone, so their ice creams resembled themselves, ironically. 

"I'll pay." Marinette said, grabbing something out of her bag, probably her wallet.



"Absolutely not."

"But I-"


"I insist-"

"Nuh uh."

She sighed and stopped searching, knowing she had failed to win.

Feeling satisfied with himself, he pulled out some money and gave it to Andrè, who smiled very cheerfully in thanks. Both teens walked over to the other boys, who were patiently waiting for them.

"It's good your here," Noah said, gesturing to Oscar's pissed off look. "People wouldn't stop checking us out and he was about to scream." he smiled and spatted his best friend on the shoulder, left unfazed.

"I like the outfit change." the model smiled, pointing to his casual attire. He noticed the glasses too, but he didn't question.

The photographer sighed, one hand gripping on his over shirt. "Thanks. It's like a combination to what I'm comfortable with and what my sister wishes." he liked a large portion of his ice cream off before he continued. "I still want my sister to be satisfied to be able to call me her brother, but I want to be a little free, you know?" he pulled down the bridge of his glasses and smirked, closing his eyes. "And the glasses, I wore contacts. Very uncomfortable, hated it dearly."

The bluenette next to him chuckled. "I see you kept the hair."

"Oh, hell yes." he licked another portion off his ice cream, so did the blonde. "It makes me stand out, you know? Everyone in Collége Francois Dupont had neat hair, then there's me—"

"The fluffy angry boy." Noah finished, and the photographer fumed.


Adrien and Marinette burst out laughing as the photographer screamed at the basketball player. He wondered what would've happened if they hadn't moved back to Paris together, or found out  that they were the superheros the capital of France admired. They wouldn't have become closer than they were now, and Brother would've been a lot harder to defeat.

"I HAVE MY RIGHTS! DO YOU NOT RESPECT ME?" a lot of it was just random gibberish as he zoned out. His anger issues were hard not to zone out from anymore, if he wasn't yelling at whoever he was yelling at, if he was yelling at them, you couldn't zone out, he would destroy whoever ignored him. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME? NOAH! I WILL WIPE THAT STUPID SMILE OFF YOUR STUPID FACE YOU STUPID IDIOT!" again, if he gets very loud, you can't ignore him at all. He just has such a loud voice.

"Now, now—" Marinette said simply, waving her hands around. "I get you both are basically teasers, but we don't want it to get too steamy in public, do we?"

The Englishmen both stared bewildered at the baker.

"OH MY GOD, MARINETTE!" all the boys screamed, and she just chuckled cheekily.

oh, do i talk now? mkay

this is the final chapter, there's no epilogue. good day everyone 👁👄👁✨✋

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