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Adrien let out a loud, croaking inhuman sound as he finished a small debate he just had with his newly elected girlfriend. He frantically waved his hands toward her computer screen, his words failing him as he motioned his right hand around her computer's background, tracing the lines that were in it, grazing over the screen.

She shrugged, placing her hands in her jacket pockets. "I'm a fan." she smiled innocently.

"Why you—" he sneered through his teeth, his fists clenching as he did his best not to burst. His hand shook shakily, still pointing at her background. "Why DO you—?!" he made his inhuman sound again, followed up by whining and placing his hands on his face.

She chuckled as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Oh, stop it you big baby." she said before quickly flicking his nose. "You're the one who asked, and I truthfully answered."

"This seems like an obsession." he commented wryly.

"It is an obsession." she said bluntly, smiling innocently again. "Being obsessed with your future— now present boyfriend isn't as weird as you may think it is." she patted the top of his head.

"I didn't think you could be more obsessed than I was." he informed, surprised with one of his fake ears twitching.

Her eyebrow arched. "How obsessed were you?"

"It's not like I would take pictures of you from afar and turn them into posters and save them to my phone as well."

Marinette's jaw dropped. "Dude.."

Chat Noir smiled, heading toward her chaise. "You asked, I delivered."

"At least I only seem like a fan, you seem like a crazy stalker." she grumbled, following him and sitting next to him, with their knees brushing.

He admired her in that moment. Her amazing bluebell eyes, her gorgeous black hair, but mostly just the smile she had just plastered on her face. Now that he could be this close to her without having to have save her from an akuma, felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from.

"What can a man do if he doesn't see such a beautiful girl all day?" he asked, smirking and tracing her jawline with his thumb.

She blushed and spluttered, "Shut up."

"I'm serious!" he laughed, placing his hand on top of her hand. He glanced over to look over his shoulder to see what time it was. 23:20. He sighed and stood up, releasing her from his grasp. He noticed the saddened look on her face and he just chuckled. "Goodbye, mon amour." he said before kissing her hand and disappearing that night.


"Tikki, am I dreaming?"


Marinette wasn't able to fall asleep. For two reasons. One of the reasons was that she could still smell Chat Noir's cologne in the room mixed with the smell of leather and camembert. The other was because of his stupid smile stuck in her mind.

"Go to bed, Marinette." Tikki told her holder, who was obviously tired and trying to get her to sleep.

It was 04:25. "You can go to sleep." she suggested, tracing her fingers over her lips. "I'll just.. rethink my life choices again." she said, once again.

The kwami zipped off to go sleep somewhere, and Marinette just kept staring at the ceiling. She huffed and slid off her bed, only to see her phone placed delicately next to her computer. She quietly shifted toward it and picked it up.

Her eyes widened as she saw the photograph that was taken of her and Chat Noir.

How was this taken?

It was with both of them on their knees, on her bed kissing the life out of each other.

Her eyes then widened and looked over to her shelf where the oversized ladybug had disappeared to. She smiled warmly and took another look at the photo on her phone and secretly favorited it and made it her background.

She was then able go to sleep for a good five hours after that. Like the pillow she needed was added after she saw the photo.

Her eyes popped open to bulging rays on sunlight at eleven a.m. She groaned drastically and rose from her bed only to see two inhuman eyes staring at her. Her breath hitched in her throat and smacked her hand to her mouth so she didn't scream.

The superhero chuckled and sat cross legged on her bed in front of her, with his elbows on his legs and his head in his hands with a goofy smile on his face. "Good morning to you too, princess."

Marinette smiled and blushed slightly and stole his hands to make him placing them around his neck. "How long have you been here?" she murmured, not completely focused on much.

"Long enough to admire how beautiful you are even when you're sleeping." he smiled  sheepishly, shifting closer to her.

She blushed, then muttered something inaudible but grabbed him anyways to pull him closer. She saw him smile again and was now settled on top of her legs.

"Now, why are you here, mon amour?" she congratulated herself for making him blush from his the nickname he had called her last night.

"Can't a knight visit his princess?" his voice was husky, but soft purrs were then coming from some place in his throat, caused by Marinette's hands combing through his messy hair.

She huffed, making him chuckle a bit. "Someone may have saw you, it's very sunny out." he rolled his eyes and crawled his way in her lap, making himself cozy, his purrs louder. "As long as Hawkmoth doesn't find out, I don't care.." he murmured in her ear, her face then erupting in red.

"The Ladyblog." she uttered, placing her hand behind his neck. "Ring a bell? Alya could have taken a photo of you or someone could send a photo of us to her." she leaned against her wall and embraced him closer, a small smile creaking on her face.

"Hmm.." his eyes were closed now, his arms now wrapped around her neck. "You mean like the photo of us kissing on your phone?" her eyes widened in horror. "One of your friends was probably here before me and they took it and sent it to you." her eyes softened. "Who was it?" 

She had to think of something. Quick. "Umm.." she thought of the first person who came to mind. "My friend, A-Adrien!"

His eyes widened and pulled away from her. 

"Wanna try again?"

Her face went pale.

glass shards ⟩ miraculous ladybug ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें