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Adrien knew that they would be able to free Oscar from this akumatization, but the question was; what would it take?

He couldn't easily be released, it didn't work like that. It especially would never work for an chaotic idiot like him.

Oscar had anger issues, and it showed. Fiercely. He recalled this one time when he was in a photo shoot to describe "bromance". But every time he was taking a photo of Adrien and Nino (he had joined the photo shoot without consent so that he could be with his bro.) there was always someone who had photobombed the photo. He would explode with angry scolding (Bakugou vibes) and nearly scared the shit out of everyone. It would always involve yelling that included; "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" and maybe a little bit of; "I AM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!"

But he wasn't ever physically angry at them for a long enough period of time. 

Now as Chat Noir stared at Brother in the face, he was full blown angry. But for what? He wants to be a better brother. But that's not possible, he realized. Olivia already thinks he is the best brother in the word, but did he know it? No. He wouldn't be akumatized after a fight they had if he did.

He went straight forward to smash into him, with the pain still aching in his side, he had difficulty dodging. He faked to get out of the way of his blow in turn, so he had rampaged into his chest and it threw him back. Once he landed again, he could barely keep his balance correctly.

"What's wrong, soleil?" he flinched at the nickname. "Can't be the perfect boy your father wants?"

Soleil. Oscar came up with that nickname to make fun of him. He never complained, but now he was. But he could tell he was trying to break through, it was hard to miss, but he saw the signature smirk he put on his face all the time, and it could make anyone swoon.

"What's with that stupid smile?" he challenged, clenching onto his boomerang, getting ready to toss it at him.

"Well, Oscar knows.." he trailed off, and the akuma automatically got furious.

"Shut up!" he tossed the boomerang at him, not knowing what said boomerang could do.


Split personality disorder.

Oscar avoided knowing he had this, which was more difficult than he could have ever imagined. He thought it was just going to have to avoid the voices in his head, but he was wrong.

Way wrong.

As of now he was speaking, he had four split personalities.

Ossy, Brother, Buckethead and Oscar.

Ossy was the most reasonable, seeing as that was he had originally started as. He was a calm individual, who would try to solve everything on his own, and would be the most introverted person ever.

Brother, however was the opposite. He was an extroverted troublemaker who would do anything to protect his sister and keep her image. He was the image that his sister had drawn out, and wanted to be perfect for his sister.

Buckethead is where Oscar's walking time bomb personality came from. This was Oscar's nickname throughout his time in England when he went to school there. He would always get pranked on, and would always keep in his emotions. That's how he became so explosive.

Oscar was a mixture of all three, and it was how he acted in reality. He had the image of Brother, who he would still protect his sister with his whole life. He had the personality of Ossy and Buckethead, which made him pretty pissed off.

And with all of them bashing inside of his head, it got pretty annoying. But now, that he was in an endless abyss, he was able to see them. He hated it so much.

"Can you two stop fighting?" Ossy grumbled from a small area that he had called his corner. He looked up from his phone and he looked like he had no emotion, but he might yell accidentally for two of his alter egos fighting.

"It's not my fault Buckethead won't accept I'm better than him!" Brother yelled, pointing at the boy with soaked hair and the bucket on his head. "Just look at him!"

Buckethead smacked his hand. "I'm not some dream state! I'm a real boy!"

"Okay, Pinocchio." the boy with contacts (Buckethead and Ossy had glasses) teased, receiving yet another aggravated scream from the soaked photographer.

Oscar let out a heavy sigh. How did other people handle this so well? He felt useless in his little world once he had his arms wrapped around his body. He stared out the abyss again, to see what his akumatized self was doing.

He saw Ladybug with her lucky charm in her hand which was a library book. He was very confused by it, but he didn't question it. Her lucky charm always worked, whenever how weird the object was. Chat Noir was also there, but he looked like he was in immense pain.

"Why'd you let your feelings get the best of you?" Oscar heard his voice so many times, that it never affected him anymore.

"I couldn't help it." he muttered angrily. "When it comes to Olivia, I can't control myself. You've been with me my whole life, and you feel the exact same way."

"Yes, because you want to embrace that Olivia Blanchet had Buckethead as her photographer."

Oscar chuckled and welcomed Buckethead to sit next to him. He cradled his knees to his chest. "You think too much on wanting to impress her when all you need is too impress yourself, no matter how much you want to." he opened his mouth, but his alter ego continued on. "Sure, it's a good feeling, but it's not what you want." he poked him hard in the chest, and he was surprised he winced back and actually felt it. "Sure, I agree, a little glow up is good. But you shouldn't have changed your whole appearance just to met our sister's wishes, Here, take your contacts out." he reached for his glasses as Oscar hesitantly obligated. Blurry was all he could described once he got the contacts out. "I'm an illusion, I can still see." Buckethead said simply. He shoved his glasses up his nose, and once his eyes opened again, he blinked in surprise.

Not because the feeling was new, it was because he missed the feeling of having glasses plopped down on his nose helping him see.

"You don't need to change your whole appearance." he continued softly, then ruffled a hand through his water drenched hair. "But, you do look hot."

Oscar chuckled. "I've never hugged an alter ego." he said bluntly.

Buckethead smirked. "Now is a good time."


"You'll see." he said, stretching his arms out.

He collapsed into him. It was weird hugging himself. Weird, but calming.

He faded away. So did Brother and Ossy. Next thing he knew, he was on top of a building, with Ladybug and Chat Noir in front of him.

"Thank god you're alright." she paused. "Nice glasses."

He chuckled awkwardly, recalling Buckethead's words.

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