e i g h t e e n

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1030 words

(your daily dose of angst)


Ladybug and Chat Noir were doomed.

Not because the villain they were about to face had any superhuman powers.

It was because said villain knew their weaknesses. This villain had done their research to find out who they were under the mask, and now that he knew, the heros didn't know what to expect.

Sure, they fought Noah, but he was a calm and soft normal kind of person. Oscar was a whole other story. He was a bundle of angry compliments and aggressive hugs. Aggressive love is his side.

An aggressive guy like him with evil overtaking him? Oh boy.

She was currently chasing after said Oscar, his akumatized name was still unknown to her and she was able to study his every move, especially his appearance.

He got akumatized because he was angry at Olivia for not loving him enough, which meant she barely loved him at all, or at least she never showed it. She envisioned a perfect brother, and Ladybug thinks that this akumatized form is what kind of perfect brother he wants to be for Olivia. She couldn't help but crack a small smile. He wants to be perfect for his sister, how sweet.

She quickly wiped off the smile off her face as she continued to chase after Oscar.

"Stop running, Oscar, please!" she cried, and his hurtling to a stop and tossing his boomerang weapon caught her off guard so she struggled to dodge it. "This isn't what you want, please tell me where the akuma is, Oscar."

He sneered through his teeth as the boomerang flew back to his hand. "You don't know what I want! I want my sister to love me for me! I want her to accept me!" he threw his boomerang at her again and she dodged flawlessly.

Come on, Adrien, where the hell are you?!



That's all his mind could muster once he got sucked into a black abyss and was now stuck in his own hole that he can't dig his way out of.

Olivia was scared of him.

His whole world was scared of him once he transformed into a new insecurity of his, which was called Brother. The perfect image he was scared to become because of his amount of love he had for his sister.

The love he was afraid to have shattered if she uttered three words he despises again.

I hate you.

The void he had trapped himself into started long ago, when he started going to middle school and Olivia was only three years old. He had no talent, while she had all the talent. She started modeling once she turned six and properly took orders and demands.

This was when Oscar was fourteen and finally found his hobby.

"Hey, Mom?" Oscar asked shakily, holding on tightly was the small hand camera that was a gift from a deceased relative, after they had passed on they entrusted him to take good care of the camera, since they had called it their family totem.

She looked up from her phone and looked at her tall son. He was already five foot nine, and he was still growing. "Yes, Ossy?"

He held his breathe for hope. "I- I want to be Olivia's photographer!" he squeezed his eyes shut, expecting rejection.

"You want to get into photography?" was all she asked. It wasn't rejection. His heart warmed up knowing that he may have a chance.

"Yes, I do." Oscar said, his hair fluffing out even more than it was already. "I want to test my photographing skills and be able to edit her photos with photo editing. Besides, won't it be useful to have someone she can trust to give her orders?" his smile filled with hope and desire, praying that he would be allowed to do this.

"I suppose that's true." she stated simply, before sighing. "I'm giving you one chance, don't mess this up."

"Don't be such a control freak." Olivia rolled her eyes as her brother set up his camera. By this time she was eight years old and he was sixteen. She had grown a sass like her mother and he had grown to be sarcastic. "This is a simple photo shoot. I already got the routine down, just- don't change it."

Oscar groaned as he finally got his camera on. "I'm your photographer, Olivia. I'm supposed to make sure the pictures come out good."

She smirked and flipped her hair. "If the picture has me in it, the pictures will turn out just fine."

He facepalmed. "That's not-" he groaned again. "That's not how it works. Sometimes it's out of frame, it can be blurry, you may have blinked." he behind his camera and got the position ready. "Just leave the photographing to me, and listen to what I say."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." she got into the pose that he directed and he aimed his camera. She looked nervous, "By the way, Oscar?"

"What, what?" he hissed, worried that the photo won't come out good because she is talking.

"I hate you."

Oscar lost all complete balance he had in that moment. He tripped, forcing the camera to go out of aim and take a photo of something random instead.

"W- What..?"

Oscar, being the scared three year old he usually was, gripped onto his mother's leg as he watched the other two kids admire the girl's teddy.

"What's wrong, Ossy?" she cooed.

He whined once he looked at his mother, telling her that he was scared to go over there.

"I'll go with you." she offered and he immediately accepted. They strolled over to the two other toddlers and the boy automatically waved.

"Hi!" he said excitedly.

"H- Hello.." he mumbled.

"My name is Chloe Bourgeois and that's Adrien Agreste!" the girl smiled at him. "What's your name?"

"O- Oscar Blanchet.."


That's all he could describe as Brother hit his childhood friend in the gut, causing him to wince back completely. He can't do anything to stop it. All that he could do was accept being trapped in his box and watch his insecurity hurt his friends.

This was an unbreakable cage, filled with words of hatred.

He escaped once, but he's never going to escape again.

glass shards ⟩ miraculous ladybug ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu