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Zombies are walking around inside.

They glance at me but don't bother me.

I feel so much hatred that I don't feel afraid about what's to come.

My father is in here somewhere. I just know it. I can feel it. If my heart was still beating it would be pounding right now. I'm not nervous at all about facing him, just can't wait to confront him. I know he would be surprised to see me. Unless he knew I would survive and become a zombie. I thought stopping in my tracks. My mind is swirling at that thought, but it makes me angrier. If he knew, it just means he planned to stick that syringe into me. I already knew that, but it would've also meant that what he said in my memory that he lied as well.

"When I perfected the serum I was going to inject you with it."

I shake my head as that would've been a lie. I wouldn't be surprised at this point but it still hurts nonetheless. I clench my fists as I stomp down the long dark corridor. I know he's somewhere around here, but the question is where? My mind instantly went to the room where I last saw him, but he would be stupid to be in there still. Then again my father is stupid, he's deranged.

"That takes care of him."

"What is wrong with you? That was your son Harold!" Aaron yelled angrily.

"Well, now he will either die or become one of the undead."

I growled lowly at the memory as I feel my blood boiled in anger. I kept clenching and unclenching my fists as I kept stomping down the long dark corridor. My mind kept flashing through all of the memories I've gotten recently, and it just made my head pound.

"Run and hide!" Nanny yells at me urgently.
"What's your name, young boy?" Beth asks.
"Your okay sweetie. Daddy is only shooting guns with his friend." Mother said rocking us both.
"Well, now he will either die or become one of the undead."

I stop as I grabbed onto my head as the memories were flooding my mind like rocket fire. My mind felt like it was going to split apart, and it hurts so much. I fell on my knees as it feels like my skull is being smashed with a hammer from the inside. I couldn't stop them from repeating themselves and it was starting to drive me insane!

My body starts to tremble.

My body tensed up.

My teeth grind together.

I squeezed my eyes together as I tried to block everything out, but they kept coming.

"Run and hide!" Nanny yells at me urgently.
"What's your name, young boy?" Beth asks.
"Your okay sweetie. Daddy is only shooting guns with his friend." Mother said rocking us both.
"Well, now he will either die or become one of the undead."

I screamed a silent scream as I've digged my nails in the side of my head trying to block them out. Why is this happening to me? I wanted my memories back but why are they haunting me now? I can't take it! I can't stand it! I want them to stop!

Something starts to burn inside of me and it makes me hiss as I dug my nails further into my head. I felt that I drew blood, but I didn't care as I just want this nightmare to end. My lips started to tremble as I fall onto the ground into a ball, but nothing seems to make this stop. I then saw a memory that I didn't think I'll see again, and for some reason, it calms me down a bit.

"What are you?" She suddenly spoke up.

"Can you talk?" She asks another question.

"Do you have a name?" She asks.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Savanna and I came here to get some food, but then I saw you eating that raw steak." She explains to me.

Undead MuteWhere stories live. Discover now