Chapter 2 : watermelon monster truck🍉

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We walked down the street to Harry's bright pink monster truck. covered in different types of watermelon stickers.

 covered in different types of watermelon stickers

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Shoot gun!" Screamed Lary. "Ughhh you're so stupid Larry. It's shotgun not shoot gun. I'm so embarrassed to have you as a twinplet." Said Mary all annoyed. "ACTUALLY ITS TRIPLET NOT TWINPLET! WHO'S STUPID NOW HUH?" Screamed Lary while laughing like a maniac. I wish I had triplets!

"Yo micky let's renegade in the back seat🥺" said charli. "Pshhhh no" I said. Charli can be so crazy sometimes. Harry drove the car while Lary sat in the shoot gun and me Mary and charli sat in the back. "Music shall we?" Asked Harry. We all nodded like birds and Harry turned on his hit single watermelon sugar. "Oh Harry what's with you and watermelons?" Lary gaged. "They're just so cute and scrumptious!" Harry gaged back. We all sang watermelon sugar while driving to sea world.

After like an hour of driving, Harry parks his watermelon monster truck. We got a couple of stares from everyone as we walked out and I still don't know why. Was something wrong with my hot fit? Cant be. We walked to the to the ticket booth and gave in our tickets as one does as a ticket booth. Then the ticket lady told me a secret as she let us in. "Shhhh don't tell anyone I told u this but you're the chosen one Michela. Michael needs you! WE need you! Save him and our land." Said the lady as tiny Gilles started to show on her neck. Huh must be rabies or something. "Thanks mam. I will." I said as I went through the gates. I really wanna tell Harry. He'd think this was a cool story but lady said not to tell anyone so I won't.

I took a look around and noticed something odd about the audience.

I took a look around and noticed something odd about the audience

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I must be imagining something but everyone looks like rob. Huh there must be something in those muffins I ate. The speakers suddenly turned on and said an announcement. "LADIES AND BROTHERS, WHALE SHOW IS AT 1:00! PLEASE COME, SPECIFICALLY IF YOUR NAME IS MICHELA!" I'm Michela! That must be for me. I checked my whale watch and saw that it was 1:50. "Hey guys let's go to the whale show!" I said to my besties. "Okay!" They all happily said together. We then walked to the whale water stage and took a seat in the front.

WhalechelaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang