CHAPTER 7: Back Home

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Helga's Point Of View
"As good as this has been its time to say good bye, Lagertha but hopefully this time we will stay in touch." I told my childhood best friend as we where all waiting for our bags so that we could all go back home and to bed. But going back to work is going to be a nightmare because I won't be able to sleep in anymore and teachers have to go back a week early to prepare your class room and class work or home work. I know that Floki loves to teach Wood work because it means that he can just make whatever he wants with out having to pay for anything at all.

But something is wrong with my niece Torvi because the last time that she was sick was in her 21st because she got drunk then started to vomit her guts up but of late that's all she's been doing. Parts of it reminds me of when I was pregnant with Angrboda, oh please be pregnant because that would be the best having Harald be a grandfather not just a father and Siggy would love watching over her grandchild or maybe even children seeing as she's a twin.

Torvi's Point Of View
I knew that I needed to buy the test but part of me already knew what it was going to tell me and I didn't want to be told that I was going to have to be a single mother and go through my whole pregnancy by myself and all because of our crazy family trip, dads gonna kill me and it won't be pretty for everybody else. But I know that I need to buy a test I'm just don't want to know but I have a feeling that Aunty Helga knows somethings up and if she knows then Uncle Floki will and soon Angrboda and then one by one my whole family will know.

"Is that all today ma'am?" The shop keeper asked me,

"Yer, how much." I asked wanting to know how much it was so I could go home and take the test.

"That will be $20.00." She said as I handed her my money then left will three different pregnancies test. But I didn't want to do it alone so I called Margrethe.

On the phone

"Hey T what do you need." Margrethe said in to the phone.

"Hey can you come over I don't want to be alone and have to take theses tests." I said and before I could let out another breath she said,

"I'm on my way, wait for me, good bye." Then she hung up.

End of phone call

"Hey so what tests do you need to take." Margrethe ask as I opened the door she looked around to see that there where three pregnancies test sitting on the kitchen bench still in their boxes.

"So you think that your pregnant, I didn't even know that you where seeing anyone, T." She said while the two of us walked to the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar.

"Yer I was seeing someone in Australia for the few weeks we where there and now I think that I'm pregnant." I told Margrethe who just handed me all three tests and pointed to the bathroom.

I took all of the tests and just sat on the floor while I waited for the timer to go off.

"Do you want me to check it Torvi?"

"Yes can you please, " I said while she grabbed all of the test one by one.

"Torvi all three of them are positive, I think that you should call the baby's father and tell him what's going on." Margrethe said and my whole world stopped for a few minutes before I said,

"I'm not telling him about the baby because I know that one of his friends are in love with him and that both of their families want them together and I'm not letting my child and I be someone's second choice, so I'm going to be a single mother. And I'll be the one telling my family and everyone else so can you please not say anything." I saw her nod before she walked into my kitchen and leaving me alone to cry.

Bjorn's Point Of View
I've never felt so lonely in my life before sure we've only been back in Kattegat for a few days but something just doesn't feel right but Gunnhild asked me out on a date and I said yes because but I know that my hearts not in it fully and if I'm being honest with myself then my heart is with Torvi and where ever she goes my heart goes with. But part of me feels like I'm cheating on her but I need to move on eventually so why not with Gunnhild, I mean she's always there for me and where good friends so it couldn't be that bad.

"Hey Bjorn, so I was thinking that we could go to dinner and then for a walk." Gunnhild said as I walked up to her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Yer that sounds good, um just give me a second I have to take this." I said before walking away from Gunnhild to answer Torvi's call.

On the phone

"Hey Torvi what do you need" I said into the phone but more quietly then I usually would seeing as Gunnhild's watching me like a hawk.

"Um... It's Margrethe not Torvi and I was just calling to ask if you where the guy that she was sleeping with while we where in Australia, so are you?" I remembered that Torvi would always talk to me about her best friend Margrethe so that is the only reason that I said,

"Yer that's me Bjorn Lothbrok, why do you ask Margrethe?" It was quiet on the other end for a few minutes and I thought she hung up on me but soon she started talking again,

"I think that you should come to Hedeby because somethings happened to her and I think that you need to know about it. So can you please come to Hedeby because she needs you even if she won't say it herself." And I thought that something must of happened to her so I said,

"I'll see you soon, Margrethe." Then hung up.

"Hey am... Gunnhild I have to go, it's important." I said before getting in my car and driving home to pack my bag and drive to Hedeby to see what is wrong with Torvi.

"Okay then bye." Gunnhild said after me and part of me thought that I should feel guilty for leaving her but I don't.

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