CHAPTER 4: The Plane Ride

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Torvi's Point Of View
I knew that Siggy wasn't my real mother but she's the closest thing that I've ever had to one so if she wants to book a fights where I have to get out of bed at three in the morning then that's what I'm doing. I looked around my house one more time to make sure that I have everything before grabbing my ticket off the bench and going to the taxi waiting out front.

"Good morning miss, where are you off too." The taxi driver asked,

"Airport family holiday where going to Australia for the summer holidays." He just nodded before starting the car and driving to the airport.

Half an hour later...

"Thank you, keep the change." I said before gettting out of the car with my bags pulling my jumper closer to my body trying to block out the wind.

"Torvi your here great and just in time to we have to go now." Margrethe said pulling me with her towards the gate for our plane.

"What is your sit number?" I asked her wanting to know if I was any where near her.

"14, what about you T?" I looked down at my ticket seeing that I'm no where near her,

"28 that sucks looks like I'll be next to a stranger for the plane ride, good bye I guess." I said before hugging her and walking onto the plane to see that I'll be sitting next to a man with blonde hair and blue eyes, hopefully I'll just be able to sleep for the whole trip.

Bjorn's Point Of View
I saw my family sitting together but my sister, mother and I where all spread out across the plane and if I have to guess then I'll say that that was Alsaug plan to keep us away from our own father, but seeing the little, Blonde, green eyed girl sitting next to me I'm not complaining about a thing.

I looked out the window as the plane took off and with in seconds I felt someone's head on my shoulder and seeing that it's the pretty girl next to me I'm going to let it go and hell I'll be going back to sleep soon anyway. I looked out the window for a few more minutes till I felt my eyes shut and my head rest on top of the girls who's head is on my shoulder.

Astrid's Point Of View
I never thought that out of all the places in the world Bjorn would meet someone on a plane ride to Australia, like that's just his luck he'll have a summer fling and leave me all alone with his crazy ass family well at least his father's new family I can deal with Gyda, Lagertha, Gisla, Rollo and Ivar's not that bad either. But Bjorn's my best friend has been for years now we tried dating once but it didn't work out it was just to weird and nothing felt right so we just went back to being friends and that's how it's been for years now.

I watched as the seatbelt sign turned off, getting out of my chair I grabbed my phone and walked over to Bjorn and the blonde girl and took a bunch of photos knowing that now I have something over him which means that if he wants his secret girl from his brothers then I'll be having a slave for a little while. But the girl woke up from the sound of the camera and said quietly as if she was trying not to wake Bjorn up, so cute.

"Who are you and why are you taking photos of us while we're sleeping because I have no idea who the hell you are." But I saw Bjorn open his eyes at the sound of my voice and the lady's voice to.

"Well it's more him that I'm interested in getting photos of you see where best friends and I need black mail material and you seem to be someone that he will not want his brothers finding out about." I told her and she laughed before asking,

"What's your name and you know I have a brother to and I feel like some of my friends would like you, and you know what I'll help you with your black mail material." God I love her he needs to marry her.

"Well I'm Astrid and that's Bjorn and I would love your help." I said to her and I saw Bjorn just turn his head into her neck and that was when I knew that something was going to happen between the two of them.

"Well Astrid, I'm Torvi and give me your camera and we'll take some photos for you and I'll even put my number in your phone so we can keep in touch." I knew that by giving her my phone that nothing awful would happen because Bjorn was there so I just happened it over.

"Well good bye love birds and I'm going to tell your mother that you meet someone Bjorn, she'll be so happy." I said before walking down to Lagertha's sit.

"Oh, your son's sitting with a girl named Torvi and she seems like she would be perfect for him and you know how Bjorn is well he was asleep with her head on his shoulder then his head on top of hers." I saw the smile break out on her face when she saw the girl and then she looked around the plane before getting up and walking over to another lady on the plane, how the hell does she know so many people.

Lagertha's Point Of View
"Helga is that you?" I asked the woman that I think was my child hood best friend. And it was because she turned around before getting up out of her chair and hugging me saying,

"Lagertha how longs it been now what almost 30 years? How is your son Bjorn?" And I had to laugh before saying,

"Yes it's been almost 30 years now and in that time I've been married to Ranger and now I'm not after having two children together and right now my son is sitting next to your brother's daughter Torvi and they look quite happy together." I told her and saw as she looked from me to where Bjorn and Torvi where sitting seeing that the two of them where talking to each other and only each other and if they where to die right now they would be the only ones to know what is going on in there little world.

"Yes she does look happy and for the first time in a long time it's not about work, and boys gotten big now he'd be taller then Rollo." She said and before I could say anything back the speaker said to return to your chairs so I did leaving her behind. And soon I fell asleep looking out the window.

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