CHAPTER 6: The Realisation That Things Will Be Going Back To Normal

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Torvi's Point Of View
I was sitting by the pool with Margrethe and Ingrid when all of a sudden there was a huge slash of water that hit my book wreaking the whole book but looking up I saw that it was Bjorn's way of getting my attention, I don't see why he couldn't of just texted but I guess he got Astrid to help him out.

"I'm gonna go and buy a book seeing as that one is wreaked and I've already read all of the others that we have, see you in a few hours." I said before getting up, taking my bag with me, giving Margrethe a hug then I left the pool and was with Bjorn.

You see over the past few weeks that we've been here Bjorn and I have been seeing each other and it's been great but I know that it's only for now and that soon we'll be going back home and the both of us will have to move on because that's how life works. But I figured out why his mother was talking to my Aunt, it's because they used to be friends in High School only for her family to move away from Hedeby to a place called Kattegat.

"How's your day been Torvi?" Bjorn asked me while grabbing my hand as we walked out of the hotel and towards the beach.

"Well it was great till someone wreaked my new book, and you know what I've gotten a new hoodie and I think that it would look really good in winter so I guess I'll be keeping it for another year. Oh and I'm going to need another book to get me through my last week here." I said but before I could even take another step Bjorn pulled me in for a kiss and then pulled away from me before walking back into the hotel and to his room, I already knew what my day was going to look like now.

A few hours later...

"I don't know how I'm going to live with out being able to at least have you once a week." Bjorn said to me while we where laying in his bed with the sheets tangled in between us and both of our hairs a mess, I moved around a bit so that I was now looking at him and said,

"Well unless your planing to move to Hedeby then your going to have to learn because that's where my job, family and friends are." He just started to rub pattens on my back which made me drift off to sleep.

Bjorn's Point Of View
I never thought that by spending seven weeks with someone that I would be starting to fall in love with them but here I am laying in bed watching Torvi sleep after we just had sex and our talk and if I'm being honest with myself I could see myself moving for her and only her.

"Bjorn are you in there?" Gunnhild said and I knew that if I didn't say anything then she would find a way in, it's like she's always looking for me or watching but I don't know why, sure where friends but Astrid doesn't need to know where I am all of the time and neither does Erik who didn't come with us to Australia so that meant that we had a spare ticket so my father just gave it to Gunnhild.

"Bjorn?" She said again only for her to say something like 'I think that his at the pool' and then she left. So I went to sleep with Torvi knowing that this is more then likely going to be our last week together then we'll both forget about each other.

Torvi's Point Of View
I've seen the way that Gunnhild looks at Bjorn so I know that she's got a thing for him but I don't know what's going to happen when where back in Norway and away from each other, actually I do know that after today Bjorn and I will go back to being strangers, so that's why I'm just happy to be sleeping in his arms for the rest of the day because we all leave tomorrow afternoon.

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