In fact Ciara-Jane totally labled my crush on Daniel before she suddenly got bait. She'd always be trying to get his number for me through her older sister, trying to purposely push me into him with any chance she had to try and make a 'romantic' scene. Our friendship was childish but it was some of the best years I'd ever had.

So when news got round that CJ had been seen with her tongue down Daniel's throat and his hands up her skirt, it sucked.

It took a few weeks till I was able to confront her about it because I just didn't do confrontation and she was avoiding me more than usual. When I finally did get hold of her after staking out in the toilets, she'd stood there with her arms folded tightly and a bored expression on her face as I wailed.

'How could you? With Daniel? Why would you do that when you know how I feel about him?'

CJ didn't say anything till I got so caught up in my 'how could you's that I actually started to cry.

'Grow the fuck up Malorie' she'd said with no sympathy. 'You make up this stupid shit because you have no life, and you even started believing its true.'

'Why would you say that to me' I don't even understand why I'd cried so hard. 'Why are you being like this, CJ? You're supposed to be my best friend?'

'Fucking hell, when will you get it into you head that I'm not your friend any-more?' Ciara hissed. 'you act like such a six year old, a really childish fucking 6 year-old with the same fucking pig tails in your hair when you were six, and I can't stand it!'

It had been the single worst moment in my life to date, the pain just ripped through me so hard, I couldn't do much but catch my breath, Ciara-Jane and I had been friends since we were little. Both our mothers were single and they'd become close friends too.

But I guess those precious twelve years we'd spent with our lives entwined together meant nothing to her. Wasn't worth fighting for, wasn't worth saving, because I'd stopped being her friend and turned into an embarrassment.

Just as Maesyn was about to chip in with another lie, the doors swung open and Devonte walked in, attracting the attention of everyone in the room. He mumbled something to the teacher, then strode towards the boys who were calling him over frantically.

He caught me looking at him and snorted before joining his friends.

I could feel him looking over at me as I stretched high to tape up a portrait. I turned around towards him and he looked away.

I continued on with what I was doing but every now and then, I could feel his eyes burning into me, even when his boys were speaking to him, and whenever I turn around at him, he'd look away.


Music followed lunch like dream follows nightmare. I dashed into class immediately the bell rang, chucking my half eaten sandwich into the bin on my way to my seat.

As time by passed, the student began to file themselves in with their loud and useless chatter.

"Alright, class settle down." Mr Smith ordered, soon after, the class quietened down and all eyes were on him.

"Afternoon class!" he sat himself on his table and turnt to us with a quirky smile.

"Afternoon Mr Smith"

Nobody's Girl (British urban fiction//under revision)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora