Chapter 14: Transfers and Music class

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Chapter 14

Kira's POV

It takes some time to convince Liam that Zayn wasn't planning on beating the crap out of me back there. He seems determined to attack Zayn on my behalf, which is flattering and all, but not great for Zayn.

"He was kidding Liam!" I scream once more in his ear. "He didn't hurt me!"

Liam has Zayn pinned up against a wall, a murderous glint in his eye. "Stop talking,"

I'm just afraid that Liam will go off and do something recklessly stupid right now. I can't bear people I love hurting each other. Especially since the one I love most is the one hurting the other.

I launch myself forward and grab Liam's torso, leaning back completely. This catches him off balance and he comes toppling down with me. My breath is temporarily knocked out of me and muffled as Liam's weight sits on top of me. However, Liam is snapped out of his small trance.

He jumps off of me and I sigh happily, grateful that I wasn't injured. But when my eyes find Zayn, crouched down on the floor, I lose my breath once again.

"Zayn," I crawl towards him. I can't have this happen again. Not after my dream a while back with Louis getting hurt. " all right?"

He groans.


Liam pops up beside Zayn, who somehow stood up when I was looking at Liam. "Got you!" they both yell in unison.

They both burst out in laughter and I feel much like the librarian back there, furious. "I hate both of you!" I scream, marching off.

"Kira we were joking!" Liam yells urgently.

"Shut up!" I yell, storming away from them. A small smirk appears on my face. Two can play at that game. I spin back to face them, trying to look furious. "You can't just prank me! I'm bipolar,"

Puzzled expressions appear on their faces, and it takes all my will power not to laugh. "Really?"

"Yeah I am. So that's why-"

"Not surprised," Zayn coughs.

My jaw drops. "Excuse me?"

"Well considering your personality and how you-" he makes awkward movements with his hands. "-react to things makes it obvious,"

New found anger churns inside of me and I slap him numerous times with all my strength. "I'm not bipolar! I was joking!"

He attempts to block all my punches, grinning at the same time. "Relax! I was just playing along!"

I roll my eyes at him and try to forget it. However, a muscle jumps in my jaw when I realize that Liam was staring at us the whole time, an amused glint in his eye.

"You two are like an old married couple," he comments, chuckling to himself.

I make an interesting face. "Zayn and I? Together?" I laugh. "That's never going to happen! No way!"

Liam makes eye contact with Zayn.

A pang of guilt surges through me. "Sorry let me rephrase that. I mean that Zayn isn't like...I uh....he's just not for me,"

Zayn raises his eyebrows. "I'm still here you know,"

Was I talking about him in third person? Oh shit.

I laugh dryly and make eye contact with Liam several times. He's looking...observant. "Sorry, I'm just paranoid with relationships and things know,"

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