Chapter Thirteen - Parasite

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Dante stared up at the ceiling. He'd just received a text: 154.

He glanced at his left, at the pale freckled face beside him; peaceful and content in her blissful sleep. It was probably the best form of comfort she had right now. She had lost a lot of weight recently, the extent of which had become apparent last night. He had missed her.

He had showered and put on a clean pair of clothes before his phone rang.

"Nice piece of footage, D'Orso."

Dante's lips pulled up slightly. "I assume you enjoyed it then?"

"Greatly. Tell me, was her sister any better?"

"In experience or in satisfaction?" There was a pause before he continued, "Because truthfully, Raphael, it took a lot of...modification, I'll call it, to achieve the closest to the lowest expectations."

Raphael gave a hearty chuckle. "I like you, Dante. Do you know why I hired you?"

"For my repertoire of demoralising and exterminating life?"

"Yes. That and your confidence in training sluts to become professional whores and making sure their pussies are more than accommodating for my plans. I imagine the sister's cunt must have been an unpleasant experience? Some men just think of pussy as pussy, regardless of its quality. But I know you are more privileged in choosing the best for yourself, D'Orso." Raphael's voice was light in teasing but it was starting to irritate Dante.

"So I take it your slut now comprehends how to fully satisfy you? Have you pierced her nipples? Oh, the fun of piercings. So much you can do with them."

His reply was curt. "I don't prefer piercings. They turn me off."

"They may do." Raphael acknowledged tersely. "But you need to remember that you are my employee. And I've hired you to prepare her for me."

Dante gritted his teeth, but managed to respond in polite agreement. Raphael went on, "Everything else, I'm sure, won't matter. If it's her first time for needle play or a spike ball, so be it. It'll be all the more enjoyable to see her react to new activities."

Dante muttered something that was thankfully incoherent, before amicably ending the phone call. He sat there on the edge of the bed, rubbing his temples and thinking to himself. A slight shift under the covers alerted him.

He glanced back and saw a pair of green eyes, illuminating softly in the pleasant glow of muted sunlight. He wondered how long she had been awake. She stared at him for a few long seconds before he moved. He saw a faint flinch, but almost defiantly she stayed where she was. When his lips brushed against her cheek, he saw the confusion in her eyes but she didn't say a word.

He drew back. "Good morning, Ami. I trust you had a pleasant night?"

Amelie didn't miss his reference, but didn't reply as she began to get up. He was disappointed at her wrapping the sheets around her thin frame. "Ami, let go of the sheets please." His tone was condescending.

She gripped them tighter and just when he thought she wouldn't obey, she let them go before walking out. The glimpse of her naked, marked body, albeit brief, was hugely satisfying.

Amelie grimaced in the shower. She wished she'd opted for a bath, but it was too late now. She crouched down against the tiles as the first waves of heat rushed up her lower leg. A groan escaped her.

"Come on, Amelie," She whispered to herself, "Hold it together. Let's get through this shower."

She started to massage her legs using some shower gel and the hot water pouring down on her. It was gratifying but the relief was short-lived. How was she to get out of here, if her legs gave out now? It didn't help that she already sore all over. She could still feel the burns on her backside and knew they'd be scarred for a long time. But that was the least of her worries right now.

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