Bonus Chapter - Moving Mountains

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There wasn't meant to be another chapter. For me, the story came to a natural end and I wanted you, as readers, to envision Amelie's future with whatever you thought felt right for her.

But here is a bonus chapter anyway; a closure that I think the story needed.

I hope you all enjoy x


Amelie smiled at Lily, who stared at the squirrel in astonishment. The furry creature daringly pawed the walnut while Rolo, the dog growled quietly. In a flash, the squirrel grabbed it; stuffing the nut into his mouth and then used the dog's back to jump down and bounded away.

"He just jumped on Rolo!" Lily squealed. The squirrel stopped at the shaded corner of the garden, and scraped at the ground in a hurried frenzy, trying to quickly bury the nut and then grab another.

He'd taken eleven in total. All in front of Rolo, much to his chagrin. The dog wasn't allowed to chase the smaller animal away, as he'd learnt the hard way through the scolding he'd received from Gina and Amelie.

Instead, he had to make do with keeping an eye out, to protect his family of course, staying close to them the whole time. Silly humans...didn't they understand the dangers of such creatures? Rolo thumped his tail heavily and sniffed.

A year ago, Amelie hadn't thought it would be possible to here, with all her family. As she went back inside to check on the chocolate cake, Blake beat her to the bowl of frosting.

"Hey! That's for the cake!" She protested, trying to grab the bowl from him.

"That's selfish, Amelie; it's for my wife. Are you trying to deny a five-month pregnant lady some chocolate?" Blake asked seriously, though his eyes crinkled in laughter.

"What do you call that?" She pointed behind them to the giant hamper of luxury chocolates.

He grinned, "That's for dessert. This," He pointed to the bowl, "Is for starters. To get us into the cocoa-world. She wants something soft and smooth to start off with."

Amelie shook her head, all too familiar with his habit of using his pregnant wife as an excuse, "You're such a kid."

He licked the finger he'd dipped into the bowl, "I'm about to have a kid," He corrected. "I have to get this to my wife."

His sister blocked him from leaving. "Blake, are you denying us all a fully frosted chocolate cake? Because you know there are consequences?"

Blake narrowed his eyes, "What consequences?"

"This cake is for Lily." Amelie said slowly, "And you know what that means?"

Fascinatingly, the tall, broad oaf of a man, gulped, his eyes darting left and right, as if the little girl was going to pop out at him and scream. Hurriedly, he put the bowl back on the counter and pushed it away. "I'll just take that basket."

She smiled at him sweetly, "Yes, you do that." She couldn't help in letting out a tiny chuckle, as she watched her brother bounce off eagerly to his wife with the huge hamper in his arms. Sometimes, he acted exactly like Rolo.

"It's not an insult," She told the dog, who wagged his tail. "It's a Blake."

Rolo could care less. He'd just spotted Lily holding his favourite treat and bounded off to her, not dissimilar to how Blake had just a few seconds ago.

Lily was known to have uncontrollable tantrums when it came to chocolate. Blake was always helpless at responding to situations like that, something his sisters teased him unrelentingly for, especially now that he and his wife was expecting a child of their own.

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