Chapter Four - Devil's Bay

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He watched her, waiting silently as she struggled with her composure. Her expression; flitting from panicked, to scared, to resignation and tiredness and then to a spark of defiance. He liked that. She had a small fire inside of her that he couldn't wait to bring out. That would prove to be a lot of fun.

Finally the look in her eyes settled on horror. He almost chuckled. She looked mortified at what she had whole-heartedly agreed to.

"Come here."

Hesitantly, Amelie stepped forward noting the glint in his eyes that told her it'd be unwise not to obey.


She wasn't ready to come any closer. Starting to tremble, she shook her head, a whimper escaping her mouth. With a snarl, his fingers clamped down on her arm painfully, wrenching her towards him abruptly.

She couldn't help the cry that came out, "No!"

And his dark eyes turned colder than before, icy and merciless. "You made a promise!" his voice was a menacing growl.

She stilled at once. With a deep breath, she tried to calm herself and started again. "I know." Another deep breath. "I will. Just...let me..."

"What? Take your time?" he cut in sharply and then gave a dark hollow laugh. "Time is precious, Ami, and I'm afraid there just isn't enough of it in the world. If there was there'd be a lot of less fucking problems everywhere." His eyes glinted cruelly. "And in case it isn't so clear to you, you aren't the one who is in charge here, sweetheart. Now get on your knees."

He pushed her down on the floor harshly, earning another little cry from her. The sound of his belt unbuckling sickened her to her core and she clenched her eyes shut tightly, wanting to block everything out.

But clearly he wasn't going to let her do that. "You might want to open your eyes for this." When she didn't comply, his hand grabbed her face roughly so that it faced him, forcing her eyes to open. And the sight made her gasp and her face instantly reddened.

He was watching her emerald eyes express embarrassment and shame. And yet he also caught sight of a flicker of interest and astonishment. Trying to bite back a smirk, he said, "Touch it."

And the repulsion was back on her face. Slapping her face, his hand coiled around her auburn locks and tugged harshly. As her face tilted backwards, he moved his forward so that they were only a millimetre away. "Do as I say and maybe I'll go a little easier on you, Ami."

So she reached a shaking hand, trying hard not to look, but blindly tried to find his monstrosity. He had to guide her hand and the contact bought a reaction out of both. Her warm hand against his man-hood. She sucked in a sharp breath and as her fingers tentatively traced down his length, he had to resist grabbing her and fucking her brutally like a raging animalistic beast. But he would have to resist for the time-being.

His voice was a low growl, "A fucking hand job, Amelie. Not Romeo and fucking Juliet."

Flushing in embarrassment, she hastily closed her hand around his thickness only to find she couldn't. He was too big. Once she finally got going, stroking his shaft slowly, he said, "Now use your mouth." And she immediately let go of him.

"Hell no!" she retorted in disgust and rose up to get away. But his hands grabbed her head and pushed her down again and forwards into his crotch. She shrieked and tried to resist but there was no way she could fight him off.

"Open your mouth."

She wouldn't; clamping her mouth tight. He slapped her again; hard. One of his hands reached down and tugged on her right nipple. Amelie had to squeal in pain as he twisted it and he took the opportunity to lunge forward, pushing himself into her mouth.

CHISEL- Mature content, 18+, explicit contentTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon