Chapter Six - Black Hole

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It was now the fourth day since Amelie was captured by her mysterious attacker. She could barely remember how her life felt before she was forced into entrapment. So many things had happened in that time.

How did it feel to be free again? Truly free?

She supposed she should be grateful she wasn't physically tortured, although she had been visually and psychologically. And to think about it, there had been instances where she had been physically tortured, but not in the usual ways people expected.

Amelie flushed a deep crimson colour just by the thought. She couldn't believe she'd acted in such a way and had been in deep disbelief for a long while after. And on top of it all she'd actually... almost enjoyed herself.

No...there had to be a way out of this. Before the maniac who'd entrapped her completely warped her mind and erased her of everything she was.

Speaking of the maniac, he'd delivered some lunch to her- or brunch seeing as she'd had no breakfast, and ordered her to have a shower.

"You have a shower!" She'd rudely retorted and was rewarded with a sharp razor-steel glare. The absence of an attack surprised her but his eyes were harsh and she felt as though they had cut right through her.

"Have you still not learnt anything? Do as I tell you." He shoved her the tray and watched her eat, then dragged her to the bathroom.

"Can I close the door?" she asked when he left it ajar.


It was always different. Sometimes he let her close it, other times he didn't. Today she sighed and made sure to take off her clothes behind the door and was extra careful that he had no view of her naked form.

And then she realised a mistake. Normally there was a towel in the bathroom but she remembered she'd left hers in the bedroom today.

"Umm...I need a towel." Her heart pounded against her chest at the risk she was placed in. After a few seconds she heard movement and tried to remain hidden behind the door.

"I've got your towel." He said after a few seconds but he didn't hold it out.

"Thank you."

There was a pause and then he asked, his voice holding a teasing lilt, "Well, are you coming to get it or not?"

" you just hold it out for me?"

Suddenly the door was pulled forward, revealing her and she yelped, darting to pull it back and to cover the rest of herself with her hands.

He tutted. "Amelie, that's not very polite. You don't seem to have very good manners at all. Asking someone to give you something and then ordering them to hand it to you like that." He moved closer to her and the proximity was disconcerting. His scent swirled around her, threatening her focus. "Bad girl." His voice was low and husky and she shivered at his tone.

"Can you please hand me the towel?" she trembled. "Please?"

He studied her with a frown, taking his time, scrutinizing her, but she knew he was trying to make her even more uncomfortable than she already was. If that was even possible. And though his eyes never left her face, she still felt most of her body heat up as though his gaze was penetrating through each and every cell in her body.

And then finally he put her out of her misery. "Well, since you asked so nicely." She sighed in relief and raised her arm to take the towel, only then realising her yet another fatal mistake.

CHISEL- Mature content, 18+, explicit contentWhere stories live. Discover now