Chapter Twelve - Nightshade

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Amelie was sitting on her bed when her door opened. He was carrying a tray of food, and put it down in front of her.

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat, Ammi. It'll give you your strength back and help you heal."

She looked at him incredulous. Help her heal? After what he'd done? Wasn't that a bit like trying to comfort the family of a person you'd just killed? Pathetic.

Instead, she turned her gaze back to her book. It was quite interesting actually. A crime thriller. Funny how it wasn't so interesting if you were actually living it.

He stood there for a while, which disconcerted her until frustrated, she snapped, "Don't you have better things to do? Any plans you have with friends of yours, like maybe Raphael? From what I've heard, he sounds like really good company."

Although the sarcastic way she'd said that made him want to smile, he narrowed his eyes.

"Don't try to talk smart with me, Amelie. I'm going to leave this tray here and when I get back it had better be empty."

Truthfully, it was difficult for Amelie to even move. Her legs were clamped in pain, so much so that they felt numb and she really didn't want to experience the shots of intense unbearable pain once she tried to move.

She reached to her right for the packet of painkillers. It was almost time for her next dose anyway.

He'd filled the tray with a glass of orange juice, some sandwiches, a pasta salad and a blueberry muffin. How did her expect her to finish all that? She had no appetite whatsoever; it would be difficult to finish even half a sandwich.

It took her a while to summon up energy to reach for the plate. After managing to gulp down the last piece of the half sandwich, she leant back against her pillow. He'd just have to deal with it.

Dante came in fifteen minutes later and raised an eyebrow. "I guess I came in too early. I'll have to leave that tray there until all the contents are gone." He stood in front of her. "Do you need the bathroom?"

She wanted to shake her head but she'd be lying. Instead, she nodded, staring down at her lap. He lifted her easily and carried her to the bathroom.

To her surprise, a pleasant odour greeted her. Relaxing scents of various essential oils swirled in the water in the bathtub. She turned to question him but he was busy trying to lift her top.

"It'll help you relax your muscles." He told her when she was left in her bra.

She needed the toilet first and after she was done, he lifted her in the bath, where she quickly disposed of her bra before sinking in the deliciously warm water. Her eyes fluttered closed in blissful pleasure.

He left her for some time to enjoy her bath.

Half an hour later, the water had become almost cold and Amelie reluctantly raised her head. She had almost fallen asleep, drifting away to a nicer place. The scents were floral, zesty and little woody and it made her envisage woodlands. She could have almost felt the rough bark of the trees, felt the caress of leaves as she floated towards a meadow of lavender and rose.

Now she felt chilly. Her legs were less numb, yet thankfully also less painful. However, she didn't want to test them by moving too much. It was time for a thorough clean. She turned on the tap to welcome hot water and reached for the sponge just as a hand lightly touched her shoulder.

She almost screamed, her heart jumping a mile until his voice whispered into her ear, "Relax, Ami." He took the sponge from her, poured some soap gel and pushed her gently forwards. "Let me."

CHISEL- Mature content, 18+, explicit contentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن