"I'm just so fucking scared."

"Don't be! As soon as you start your rounds, you're gonna be king of the world. It's just you and your opponent. Your team and I will be right in your corner." I pause. "You know what, here. I'm gonna enter a match."

His eyes widen. "What? Really? But it's a wayyyy lower level than you."

"It's okay! I'll fight beginner level for you so you don't feel alone." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you." he smiles, hugging me.

"Anytime. Now, you got one real round left in you?" I ask.

He looks at me with a smile. "Yeah, I think so."



"Bye coach!"

"Deuces!" I hop off the ring and see Maeve packing up her duffle bags. "Mae!" I walk over to her and she turns to me with a smile. "Hey! Still down to hangout?"

"Yeah!" she smiles ear to ear. "Is your student okay?"

I nod. "He was just having confidence issues, but he's all good now! I'm gonna enter a match with him so he doesn't feel as alone. I hate my students feeling like they aren't good enough." I pause. "Like you. You're always enough, okay?" I put my hand out for a fist pump.

She gives me a sweet smile, knocking knuckles with mine. "Thank you."

"Of course. Have you seen Gray and Caden? They always disappear." I walk back over to the ring to grab my bag.

"Over here!" they run over to me.

"We went to watch that hot babe working out." Caden throws o his hoodie.

I raise an eyebrow at them. "You're literally perverts."

"You stalked Maeve!" Gray gasps.

Maeve chuckles.

"I didn't, I saw her and went UP TO HER. I didn't watch her and creep around." I laugh. "Y'all ready to go?"

"OH YES DADDY!" Caden moans.

We all run out of the gym, leaving Caden behind with a pounder of laughter.

"You gonna meet us at Walker's house?" Gray asks Maeve.

She nods.

"Text me the address!" she then signs.

"I'll do that right now!" I laugh, pulling out my house to send her the location.

"BEAT YOU THERE!" Caden comes out of nowhere and jumps into my truck.

We all run to our car and speed to see who gets there faster.

Obviously the boys do!

She closes her door with her jaw slightly dropped.

"GOTEM!" we all shout in unison.

She playfully shakes her head and runs at me.

I catch her and spin her around. "I'll give you an A for effort!" I put her down and pretend to think. "Well maybe an F, actually. Your little ford focus couldn't catch up!"

"She gets me where I need to go! You have a newer, better truck." she chuckles.


"You literally feel like our little sister!" Caden and Gray hug her.

"You do!" I join in.

Caden nudges his head and squeezes my ass.


"You like that?" Caden moans.


"NO!" Gray jumps out along with Maeve. "You gotta get the pack—"

"B Y E." I run into the house.

They laugh and follow me inside.

"Hey bubba!" Laney hugs me.

I squeeze her. "Hey! How was school?"

She lets go of me and shrugs. "Same old same old. But I graduate soon so I'm not gonna stress too much."

"Exactly!" I ruffle her hair.

"Finally! We meet the famous Maeve! Didn't think she existed!" mom and dad walk in, laughing.

Maeve smiles widely and waves.

"It's so nice to meet you! I'm Ellie!"

"Jaxson." dad smiles.

"I'm Laney! His little sister!" Laney waves with a smile.

Maeve looks at me and signs. "Tell them it's nice to meet them too!"

I turn to my parents. "She said it's nice to meet you guys too. Y'all wanna go out for lunch?" I get sidetracked.

"Yes!" they all jump up and start deciding on a place to eat.

Steak 'n shake!

I wrap my arm around Maeve, causing her to smile. "You're doing great."

She gives me a reassuring smile, indicating thank you.

You're gonna go places, love.

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