Chapter 2

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                        (Y/N)'s POV

                                   I woke up and the first thing I noticed is that my face in stuck in between Hestia's breasts, apparently somewhere in the night Hestia decided that I'll be her body pillow. Luckily I was able to get out just in time to see Bell wake up, she spotted me and I pointed upstairs and she got the message, we got ready to go out and once we headed out I said "good morning Bell, so what do we got today?" Bell replied " well first we have to Register you at the adventures guild after that I thought we head into the dungeon " I smiled and said "sounds like a plan" we continued walking until we reached the city part. We made it to the guild and Bell lead me to an Half elf, Bell then said " Ms, Eina" the Half elf turned to us and said "oh Bell, What brings you here and who's this?" Bell then replied " this is (Y/N), and she would like to Register " she nodded and said " alright then" she turned to me and she said "hello my name is Eina Tulle and I'm Bells dungeon Adviser" . She extended her hand and I grabbed it and I kissed it and I said "it's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Eina my name is (Y/N) (L/N)" she was blushing and Bell gave me a weird Jealous look, she's too Innocent. Eina calmed down and we headed to a private room to fill out the paperwork, she handed me a list of paper and she said "you just need to fill this out and you'll be fully Registered" I nodded and I looked at the questions on the paper and I filled them out

1. name- (Y/N) (L/N)
2. race?- True Vampire
3. Level?- Level 3
4. Familia?- Hestia Familia

I'm actually surprised that's it's only four questions anyway I handed Eina the paper and she was looking threw it and after she got to question two I'm assuming she then started to sweat bullets. She then told Bell to wait in the lobby and she left to get something and after she came back she was holding an old book and it had a crest that seemed familiar to me, she then said "by chance do you remember this book?" I shook my head no and said " I lost my memorys before yesterday so the only things I remember is my name and race" she nodded and said "well I'm sorry to hear that but maybe this has some clues" I arched my brow and she handed me the book. I opened the book and Eina said "when the gods battled each other a lot of familias where lost and when the current system we have today and it's part of the guilds job to find these missing familia's and have records on them" I nodded and I saw the pages of the book and it had painted pictures and each one is either a vampire or a demi-human. I then saw a page about me but it only showed my stats and not my background but it showed I was the captain of the Perorocino familia. After I read that name I felt my cheeks wet and I was crying, Eina noticed this and asked "are you ok?" I replied " I'm fine but do you mind if I keep this book? " she replied "unfortunately no but you can come back anytime to read it" I nodded and said "thank you" I then exited and I reunited with Bell and we headed out to the city. We where on our way to the dungeon and Bell asked me "so are you ok?" I nodded and said "yes I'm fine, ill talk about it later" she nodded getting the massage, I'm not being rude or anything I just don't want to talk about it now. I then felt eyes on me again and so did Bell, Bell turned to look but saw nothing but I can see way better then any human, I looked to where I felt it and I saw it at a Balcony way up the tower I saw a woman with Beautiful silver hair and pale skin, she is wearing a very revealing outfit and is holding a wine glass. Once we locked eyes I saw her move a little so I did what my instincts told me, I used a Miniature version of my holy lance without anyone noticing it and I aimed at her wine glass and once I fired I broke the glass having it shatter and what ever was in it to spill all over her. I then gave a smug look at my little message and it clearly said I know your watching me.
                                 I saw Bell turn away so I did to only to bump into a girl wearing a green maid uniform, she has long silver hair and silver eyes, I then said "I'm so sorry I didn't look to where I was going" she replied "its fine, really" Bell then joined us and the girl seemed to Recognize Bell and said "your that adventure from yesterday, oh that's right you dropped this" she handed Bell a magic stone and Bell said "I did, I thought I cashed in all my magic stones yesterday, thanks Mam I really appreciate it" she put it away and the girl said "so you really are an adventure right?, are you two really going into the dungeon this early in the morning?" Bell replied "yes we shure are" I added "and I'm hungry" mine and Bells stomachs started to growl and the girl went inside and gave us a packed lunches. She then said "its not a lot so you can take it" Bell then said " I couldn't expect this even to someone I just met" I then added "and isn't this your breakfast" she nodded and replied "don't worry I work here I can always get something when the tavern opens up, how about this how about for you two to pay me back you have dinner here tonight so make shure to come back, ill be so happy" Bell agreed and I did what any god for saving vampire do I flirt. I grabbed her chin and tilted her head to face mine, our eyes locked and I said "shure I wouldn't want to leave a lovely girl like you waiting" she was blushing made right now, the Unique thing about vampires is that we are Naturals when it comes to flirting. After that we went into the dungeon and Bell was mostly doing all the work while I slice any who got near me with my hands. I was just trying to figure out my past, I was a Familia captain so I must have some memories of it but I dont, I must find more clues if I'm going to peace together the mystery of how I survived and woke up in this dungeon. My thoughts ended when I heard Bell screem and I said "well might as well join her" I then charged at the monsters.
                                  We where back home and Bell was getting her stats checked and she literally skyrocketed, I was impressed but I think Hestia is jealous. As Bell was describing his stats Hestia got up pouted at Bell and of course Bell asked how she rocked it and she said "I don't know who cares" I then said "someone is angry about something or is someone jealous?" That was the straw that broke the Camels back and she ran to her job. I looked at Bell and I said " since we are on our own we can go out to eat at that tavern" she nodded and said "but what did I say?" I replied "I'm shure shell be fine, just give her time to cool" Bell nodded and put the paper away but she suddenly flinch in pain and my senses are on haywire. I then heard Bell say "ouch, I got a paper cut" my eyes locked on her finger and it is bleeding a little, I smelled the aroma of her blood was not like normal blood at all, I went close to her and she noticed this and she asked "(Y/N)?, What are you-" I interupted her after grabbing her and with the cut and I put her bleeding finger in my mouth and I began to suck the blood coming from it. Bell was blushing madly and after a few minutes I let go of her finger and my face was burning and I had a drunken smile and Bell asked "W-w-what was that for?" I replied "Vampires live on blood its common also your blood, its, its, ITS ORECHI!!!!" I then hugged her tight and I said "ORECHI BLOOD IS THE MOST RAREST BLOOD AND ITS KNOWN FOR AS THE MOST EQUISIC OF DELICACIES!, YOU MUST NOT SHARE YOUR BLOOD TO ANYONE BUT ME GOT IT!!!!" Brief Vampire history when a Vampire drinks the blood of an Orechi they became Possesive of said blood and if its a person they love or is there type then the Possessivenes is increased to the max and won't let anyone have them or there blood. After a few minutes of Bell trying to get (Y/N) to her senses they where able to make it out of the church and are in front of a pub called The Hostess of Fertility. Bell read the name and I asked a very Unique question "is this a brathel?" Bell was blushing and said "its not!, its not even around these parts" I nodded and smiled at Bells cute behavior.
                                    Once we entered the pub we are greeted with cheers and the smell of delicious foods, and the most important thing lots of beautiful girls. I see a blond elf woman, two cat people and a human, that human being the girl from before. She greeted us and said "aw, you made it, I wasn't shure if you remember" Bell nodded and the girl said " I never Introduce myself did i, hello my name is Syr Floverd " I replied "the little rabbit here is Bell Carnel and I'm going to introduce my self right" I did a Curtsey and I said "my name is (Y/N) (L/N) of the house of Bloodfallen" after that I thought "what the hell did I just say?, my instincts must of took over in my introduction" Syr had a Starry eyed look and she asked "are you a vampire!?" I replied "yes I am" she sat us down and a dwarf woman and she gave Bell a huge serving of Pasta and she said "I hear your one of Syr's little friends huh, I didn't think they made adventures as cute as you two" Bell replied "please don't pick on us" I only chuckled and she handed me a huge steak and she said "Syr said you might like it rare let me know how it is" I cut the steak and I took a bit and its delicious. Bell was trying to figure out the price and by the time she did she framed out, Syr then came to us and asked " are you having a good time?" Bell then said "I think I'm losing my mind" I only laughed and said "yes I am, good choice on having my stake rare, I love it" Syr smiled and said "I've read alot about vampires and once I heard the rumors I couldn't believe its you" I gave a smug smirk and I said "well I can't blame them" then I remembered by introduction and I asked her"I said Bloodfallen right, what does that mean?" She looked at me surprised and asked "you dont know?" Bell then said "(Y/N) lost alot of her memories" I nodded and Syr said " thats so sad, ok ill tell you, there's not much known about them but its said its a house of the daughter of the sun" Bell arched her brow and Syr continued " she was the daughter of the creator of the vampires, she started off human until her death then a god saw pitty on her and have her consume his blood under a blood moon" I shot up and I said " a blood moon!" Bell then asked " what dose that mean" I then explained " there are four types of vampires, the night walkers where they can't touch the sun unless they want to die, the new moons where there blind but there more primal, the blue moons where they have high mana reserves but there rare, and finally the blood moon they are the most common since they where first born, they have the abilitys of all the others and can't get hurt in daylight, there basically the leaders of the race".
                                    Bell was surprised by this and Syr said " I know and as I heard you said your part of the house of Bloodfallen, I was amazed " . Ok this actually helps me narrow down my past, there are not too many female elder vampires in the house of Bloodfallen. The only things I remembered are vampire history and other things thats command knowledge for all vampires. According to history there are ten clan leaders and only five of them are female but the hard part is each leader doesn't have there real name in history, the ones I'm talking about are leader shade, leader spear, leader mist, leader hunter, and leader holy light. Thats the hard part and nothing is coming to mind so ill have to do my research later. Bell and Syr started to have there own Conversation until the cat girl said "the big party with the Reservation has arrived nya" I then saw the Loki familia enter and they sat a a huge table and it looks like there celebrating. I then said "ill be right back Bell I just need to thank someone people" she nodded and went back to talking to Syr. I walk up to Loki and I said "care for a drink?" She turned to me and she said "(Y/N)!, what brings you here?" I replied "I'm here with my familia member and I saw you guys so I thought I stop by and said hello" She then wrapped her arm around my shoulder and said "well might as well join us" before I could decline she dragged me over to her table and as soon as the Amazon twins saw me they latched onto my arms. Ais then said "hello (Y/N) are you joining us?" I replied "yes" Finn then said "so how have you bing since the last time we saw you?" I replied "I've bing doing great, I went to the guild and found out what familia I was in" Rivirera then asked "which one?" I answered " the Peroroncino familia " Loki did a spit take and said "Seriously!, you where part of that perverts familia!" I nodded and I added "and according to guild records I was the captain of the familia but not shure which one thoe" Lefiya then asked "why?" I shrugged and said "no clue". I then looked to Loki and said" oh and thank you for leading to Hestia Loki it was amazing! " I said abit exidedly. Loki then said "why so Excited?" I replied "because my familia member is an orechi!" Loki looked amused and said "well I be damed" Bete then asked "what the hell is that?" I replied "its a rare blood type" he nodded and said "do i-" I stopped him and said "no yours is gross" he was made about that and Finn said "dont take it personality Bete vampires are always Peculiar about blood" I nodded and Tione then said "you have our blood when ever" Tiona added "we really dont mind" I looked at them and I no vampire could refuse a willing person to feed on so I tilted Tione's neck and I sank my fangs into her and her blood is delicious.
                                       Lefiya was shocked by this and Rivirera explained "vampires drink blood to survive and when they find a willing person to feed on they can't help themselves" she was less shocked by this and I switched necks with Tiona and hers was deliciousnodded Bete then asked "ok I'm asking, why are you two clinging to her?" I honestly didn't know that until Tione then said "in Amazon culture Vampires are considered apex predators and the strongest bings" Tiona then added "and its said in legends that the most powerful Amazon champions where either defeated or almost won against duels with Vampires so Vampires are considered high champions" Ais then asked "Vampires are that strong?" I removed my lips from Tiona's neck and I said "depends on the vampire but I have heard vampires in the Amazon countrys and there not wrong". Lefiya then said " aren't most vampires have Elvin blood in them?" Rivirera was interested in this and I said "well that depends on the vampire like most races are" Rivirera then looked like she remembered something and she said "I remembered my grandmother telling me a story about a vampire in red armor" I arched my brow at this and I said "continue" and she did "she said that one day a vampire showed up in the forest injured so my great grandfather helped her and my grandmother was inchared of watching her, it took a week for the vampire to get healed and her and my grandmother became great friends and on the day of her Departure she gave my grandmother two things one was an amulet and a some words" . I was really interested and I said "and those are?" She said "she said " ill return to get that one day so hold on to it when I get back, so I have a reason to come back" and thats it" I was getting a weird feeling from this so I asked "do you have that amulet?" She nodded and reached into her mage rob.
                                       She then pulled out an amulet made out of anamantite and on it was a blood red ruby and it was surrounded by a symbol. It has a crescent moon on one side of the Ruby and what look like sun rays on the other with a single drop of blood coming from it, to my knowledge its the symbol of the the house of Bloodfallen. She then handed it to me and markings started to form on it surprising Rivirera and I read them and like instinct I said " we are born of the blood moon, we have Concord the sun, we are the blood that falls from the sky's above, we are the vampires of Bloodfallen " I was surprised by my words and Rivirera said "it looks like the amulet returned to its owner" I then felt a tear go down my cheek and I said "thank you" after that we all drank threw out the night and it was good until a drunk Bete said "Hey Ais, its about time you tell everyone about what happened the other day" clearly he was drunk and Ais said "and what story is that" Bete gave a smirk and said "comon, you know what I'm talking about, all those dame Minnetor got Loose, you told me you finished the last of them on the 5th floor right, where you have to save that tomato Dumbass" I looked over to Bell and she is hearing everything and I'm concerned. Bete then continued "anyway there's some little Pansy running around in there and this big ugly sucker started chasing them right, so Ais jumps in and cuts the thing in Peses (A/N: I had Trouble spelling the word) and the little Woos  was actually covered in blood and looks like a big old stupid tomato" a few people laughed and I looked to Bell and I saw her lock eyes with me and I mouthed *calm down* Bete then continued "check this out, then Tomato guy runs out screaming her frekan head off, dumb ass just up and ran away from the person who saved her hahaha" I was starting to get angry at this guy for bad mouthing my little rabbit. He then continued "what a Pathetic jackass, hahahaha" Ais then said "I'm not quite shure she can be blamed for it" Rivirera then said "thats enough out of you Bete the monsters only escaped the seventeenth floor was our mistake it wasn't the kids fault, dont even try it" Bete slammed the table and said "oh come on!, she bit off more then she can chew trying to be a hero!, you can ask Ais she knows what I'm talking about, tell them the truth whos the big, strong, hansum one me or that Strone tomato jerk!?" Finn then said "um Bete I think you might be drunk" he continued "I asked you a question Ais!, what would you do if that kid walked up and said she has the hots for you!, I'm shure you'll tell her to get lost thats right, you wouldn't wast your time on some cry baby you could totally cruch!, the witty snotty infant has no right to even be near you!, your way to good for a loser like that, can you imagine a crochet sniffer like her as your partner no no no not the Ais Walinstian" Bell then ran out cossing a small compotion and I decided to let her be since I have my children to follow her to make shure she's ok.
                                         I was pissed off to the point my bloodlust leaked out like a Faucet and Finn took notice of this and while this is happening Bete was still running his mouth. Finn then said "Bete stop" he just looked at Finn and said "why should I?!, I'm only telling the truth!" Rivirera then said in a stern tone "you should stop if you want to live" before Bete could replied my hand which turned into a claw was a mere inch from his eye. My face looked liked it aged and my dress was somewhat Ragged and  I looked hell scary, I looked him into the eyes and I said "you should stop speaking before my blood frenzy fully activates" Finn and the others then tied him to the ceiling. I calmed down and my dress and face went back to normal and I went to Mama Mia and I said "I'm sorry for the commotion and since I'm still a little mad at him put it on his tab" she nodded and said "I understand, hope she's ok" I nodded and I went to Loki and she said "dont worry ill give him a talking too" I nodded and I decided to group  her ass and I said "consider this an apology" she then group back and said "apology excepted" I then left the pub. It was the next day and I was outside with Hestia waiting for Bell and Hestia said "Bell where are you?, you didn't come home last night" I replied "she is just burning off some steam" Hestia just gave me a look knowing that I almost killed a guy last night and I'm getting a special punishment later and the details well ill explain later. I then see Bell limping towards us and when Bell came to us she fell forward but Hestia Catched her before she fell and I rushed to her side and she said "Bell your hurt" Bell gave us a smile and she said "Goddess, (Y/N) I want to get stronger" after she said that I felt something in me move like a surge of power and it felt divine, I leaned down and licked some of Bells blood and Swallowed it and I said " of course " that divine feeling grew and I know at that moment fate has bing set in motion.

a Vampire in the Dungeon (IWTPGAD Heram x Fem Shalltear reader)Where stories live. Discover now