Chapter 1

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(Y/N)'s POV

I open my eyes and I saw I'm in a cave of some kind, I got up and I look at my self, I'm wearing a full plated blood red armor and in my hand is some kind of lance. I grabbed my head and said "how did I get here?" I can't remember much but let me introduce myself, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm a garden of some kind or was, the last thing I remember was dieing to which I find impossible I am extremely strong and if I remember correctly I'm an undead, a vampire to be more specific. Anyway back on track, I started to walk upwards to try and find an exit then I started talking to my self "ok, I'm in a cave in my armor with barly any memories, what can go wrong" I then heard a loud cracking sound I turned to the walls and a monster came out and by first glance it's a Minitar it roared at me and in one quick motion I Pierced it with my lance and the next thing I know it turned into a cloud of black smoke with a stone and horn on the floor I picked Boulth of them up and put them in my item box and continued on my way while I was walking more weak monsters came at me and they are Equally disappointing, I'm bord out of my mind, I turned and found a dead end there I see two girls one is on the floor covered in blood and the other a blond swordswoman with two more minitars. I quickly ran up to the monsters Piercing one with my lance and the other with my bare hand blood spread Boulth of them after that the minitars poofed into smoke and dropped a stone I then said "are you two ok?" I got a better look at them and the one on the floor was beyond cute and the swordswoman is beautiful, the blond was going to say something but the white haired one screemed and ran away covered in blood. I sweatdroped at that, I turned to the swordswoman and she said "I'm ok, thank you for the save" she bowed to me and I said "that's good, your welcome" the swordswoman then asked "what familia are you in?" I arched a brow and asked " what's a familia? " she seemed rather shocked at that then she said "how can you enter the dungeon when your not part of a familia?" I then replied " this is a dungeon?, I thought I was in a cave, it does explain those weak monsters " she seemed to be more shocked, I then heard someone "Ais!, Did you get the minitar?" I turned to see three people all of them wemon, one looked like a green haired elf mage, the other two had tan skin and is wearing very little clothing I would of thought they where the same but the only difference is there hair, cloths, weapons, and chests. They all looked to me and the white clothed girl said "hey, Ainz who's she?" She points at me and this Ais girl then answered her "she killed two minitars, if it weren't for her I would probably be dead" they seemed shocked at that and I wondered if those minitars are strong because to me they are so weak, there like punching paper.
The green haired elf then asked "that's impressive, what familia are you in?" I again asked "seriously what is a familia?" . The three wemon where shocked at that I guess it's a big deal, the red clothed one then asked "how are you here if you don't have a familia?" I then replied " I don't know, I woke up not to far from here and I don't remember much either" they all look at each other then Ais asked "what can you remember?" I answered " I remember my name, my skills, my race, my magic, and that's it" the green haired elf mage then said " how can you have skills when you don't have a blessing? " I shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know" they all look at each other then the green elf asked "what's the last thing you remember?" I answered honesty "I remember dieing and I was some kind of guardian" they probably didn't believe the death part but the guardian part they believe because the white clothed girl asked "what kind of guardian?" I tried to remember but it's like it was erased, I replied "I don't know" then Ais then asked " did you serve a god or goddess? " I thought about it and I remember I did serve someone but I can't remember there name, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to the red clothed one and she asked "are you ok?" I wasn't Shure why she asked but she put a hand to my face and wipe away a tears and that's when I figured out I was crying. I didn't know why I was crying but I was, she then hold my face to face her and we locked eyes and as soon she looked eyes with me she blushed and I did too, she then was pulled away by Ais then she asked her " Tione you ok? " she shook her head and said "ya, sorry I don't know what came over me" she blushed even more and it was awkward after that so I broke it "so how about introductions?" They all look at me and they all nodded and then the Green haird dos said "My name is Riveria and I'm an elf mage" I turned to the red clothed one and she said "my name is Tione and this is my twin sister Tiona and we are Boulth amazons" I then said "your Boulth amazons, I've never seen one before" Tiona then said " really?, We are really common around here" I took a mental note at that then Ais then said "my name is Ais and I'm human" I then said " my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm a vampire " all of them seemed really shocked at that so I then asked " what never seen a vampire before? " Riveria gulped and said "you have a lot to catchup but I think it's best to explain it at our familia's HQ" they all nodded and I agreed but one thought came to my mind "why where they do shocked" .
We all waited abit for the rest of there familia to show up all the while the Amazon twins where holding my arms inbetween there breasts and I'm not going to lie, I love it, on one side I got big Cushions and on the other I got small buds I'm in heaven. The rest of there familia arrived I see a large group of people one I can tell is a Dwarf man, one is a beastman with a tattoo on the side of his face, a blond little boy, and another elf mage. Well those are the ones that stand out to me, the blond boy came up to us and asked "Ais, glad to see your ok but who this" he's obviously mentioning me Riveria came and whispered something in his ear and he nodded after that we went on our way but Tione and Tiona won't let go of me and everyone is looking at me. The beastman then asked "Tiona, Tione, why are you holding her arms like your dating?" I was going to say something but Tiona then said "Just keep out of it Bete" after that we spent the rest of the way in silence. When we reached the surface it was amazing a huge city with a tower that reaches the sky, it was amazing but I then felt a pair of eyes on me for a split second now there gone it was weird but I moved it aside for now.

a Vampire in the Dungeon (IWTPGAD Heram x Fem Shalltear reader)Where stories live. Discover now