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HER VISION WENT BLACK. CONCRETE laid on top of her chest, not allowing her to breathe all that well. A cut was place along her temple, and concrete stabbed into her leg. When she finally regained consciousness, a groan fell from her lips. Fallon couldn't see anything, no one was around, and her breathing only continued to grow weaker and weaker. She blinked, her eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness. She clenched her jaw, closing her eyes in pain for a moment before using all the strength she had and pushing the concrete from her chest.

Fallon took a big in take of breath, a grunt falling from her lips as she forced herself to sit up, noticing the surrounding water around her that was starting to grow inch by inch. She looked down at her leg before quickly removing the concrete from her leg, letting out a scream of pain causing her to slap her hand over her mouth as she sat there, letting the water run over her wound. Luckily, it wasn't deep enough to affect her walking.

     She pressed a hand to her ear, the com still there much to her surprise. She swallowed, forcing herself up from the ground. "Can anyone hear me?" There was no answer. "Damnit. I repeat, does anyone copy?" But no one answered. Fallon swallowed and nodded her head before forcing herself to start walking, trying her best to find a way out of the maze of concrete and wires.

     "Fallon?" Scott's voice came through. "I'm with Rhodey, Bruce, and Rocket. Where are you?"

     "How the hell am I supposed to know?" Fallon snapped. "All I seen is concrete and water, and wires."

     "I'm coming to get you." Scott told the girl.

     "Well, I'll be trying to meet you halfway then." Fallon responded before continuing her way through the rubble. And when he found her, the two nodded before he grabbed onto the girl, growing into the larger version of him causing them to go through the roof, revealing themselves and to find everyone they had lost standing there beside of Steve. Scott let her down to the ground and she readied her weapons.

     "AVENGERS!" Steve called before pausing as they all looked at Thanos and his army, Mjölnir flying to the mans hand. "Assemble." And that's when the fight started.

Everyone ran forward and the first punches were thrown. Fallon was angry. She was angry at the thought of them losing again, and she wouldn't let that happen. Any of Thanos' army that came near her were dead within thirty seconds of coming in contact with the assassin. She used her guns, she used her knives, and if she had to she would use a rock from the grounds and bash their heads in. She held her swords in her hands, kneeling there for a moment as she blew the hair from her face.

She looked at her opponent, smirking before running up to them and going to stab them, much to her surprised they fought back. They managed to kick Fallon's feet from under her, causing her to land on her stomach before she quickly turned on her back and crossed her swords just as the alien's weapon came for her face. She clenched her jaw, pushing with as much strength as she could before quickly removing her swords and rolling out of the way as the alien's weapon stabbed into the ground.

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