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You met up with Toby next weekend and he took you to a classic dinner and movie date, followed by a nice walk through a nearby park where he held your hand and you talked about the movie and how the waiter at the restaurant definitely had recognized Toby - at least a little - even though he didn't say anything. 

It was easy, and it was nice, and it was just what you needed to really reassure yourself that Toby wouldn't leave you hanging again. The night ended with a few kisses and a promise that you would have another date soon - and after it all you couldn't help but flop on your bed and giggle at the ceiling, overcome by that good feeling of someone liking you and knowing that they liked you.

It went on like that for a while - dates on the weekends (usually in the mornings since Toby streamed at night) and long phone calls in between, just to talk about your days and what the plans for this weekend were. You would get sporadic texts from him throughout the day too, memes and pictures of his pets and little 'I cant wait for this weekends'. You shared that sentiment - your weekend dates were a highlight.

Specifically, you couldn't wait for this upcoming weekend. Your parents were out for the day (some cousins wedding that you hadn't been invited to - not that you cared too much) and you had the house to yourself - perfect for a stay in kind of date.

And Toby would be getting here soon. 

You had everything set up - snacks and the kind of tea that he liked and piles of pillows and blankets for you to just cuddle up together. You were in the middle of watching the office together, and you were sure you could get a good chunk of episodes in today. What you were most excited about, was the window seat in your room - back when you had first moved into this house you had thought it was perfect for two people, and today you were going to get to put that theory to the test. 

You were in your room, putting the finishing touches on your outfit when your phone buzzed. You leaned over, looking at the text that popped up on screen - Toby. 

m out front :))))

Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you tucked your phone in your pocket, hopping down the stairs two at a time until you got to the front door. You opened it eagerly to see Toby standing outside, hands tucked into his pockets and a smile on his face. "Hi."

"Hey." You returned, opening the door wider so that he could step inside the house. 

He did, taking a quick look around the place while you closed the door behind him. His eyes landed on you again after he scanned the room, and he smiled. "You look nice today."

"Thank you." You said, breezing past him and into the kitchen. "Gotta dress up for my favorite boy."

Toby grinned, following you in and watching you take the kettle off the stove, pouring the water into mugs and grabbing tea bags. You offered him the box so he could have the pick of the lot, and he did, dropping one into a mug and grabbing a spoon as well. "You remembered the kind I like."

"Of course I did." You said, picking your mug up with one hand and grabbing Toby's free hand with the other. Hand in hand, you started up the stairs, being careful not to spill any of your tea as you made your way up to your room. 

The stairs creaked as you made your way up, and you could feel Toby dragging a little bit behind you as he tried to walk, look at all the family photos and hold onto his tea at the same time. "Where are we going?" He asked. 

"Surprise." You said, turning back to look at him. "I really want to try something."

Toby wiggled his eyebrows, and you laughed, rolling your eyes. 

You stepped up to the top of the stairs, and headed into your room, herding Toby through the door. You had everything set up for the day - a cocoon of blankets around the window seat, a pile of snacks within reach, and your laptop set up in the middle of it all, with the episode of the office you had left off on pulled up. 

Toby gasped. "You have a window seat!"

You let go of his hand in exchange for plopping down on the window seat, lifting up one of the  blankets and sliding underneath. You held it up for Toby to slide under as well, and he did, cuddling up to your side, cradling his tea. You smoothed the blanket into place and leaned forward to start the show, letting Toby rest on your shoulder. 

You sipped at your tea, mind wandering as the intro for the show played. You had been right, the window seat was just the right size for two people to snuggle up together. And it was even better that you were snuggled up here with Toby, settling in for a day of just lounging around and snacking. 

He looked up at you, smiling. "This is great."

You hummed in agreement leaning down to connect your lips. He tasted like the tea he had been drinking - you were sure you did too - but you didn't mind too much. 

When you pulled back, Toby had a dopey sort of grin on his face and he sighed contentedly. "Even better now."

You laughed, laying your head on top of his as you settled in properly to watch the show, cracking open the snacks and sipping at your tea. You could have spent eternity here on the window seat with Toby, just laughing at the office and joking with each other. It was just what you had imagined when you'd thought about sitting here - just sharing time with someone, not a worry in the world. 

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