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Toby pressed his lips to yours, clumsily and hesitantly and you let your eyes flutter shut, kissing him like he had kissed you on the catwalk - intensely. Toby let out a soft little sound against your lips and you could feel a smile start to stretch from the corner of his mouth. When he pulled back, he was grinning, wide and bright - the kind that made you melt a little inside. 

"You're too nice to me." Toby said. "I didn't deserve that, especially after I left." 

"Toby,-" You started. 

"You drove all the way out here." He continued on. "And you listened when I explain how I messed up and then you forgave me and you just kissed me." He paused eyes flicking up to the sky, now painted orange. "I'll make it up to you, I promise. I'll take you on a proper date to make up for it."

You hummed, tipping your head back to look at the sky as well. "It better be somewhere nice."

You fell into something of a comfortable silence then, just watching the wisps of cloud move across the sunset sky. All the nerves you had been feeling before were completely gone now, and for the first time in a while you were content. You hadn't really known what you were going to do when you saw him again, but you couldn't say you were unhappy with how things had gone. 

Truly, it would have been harder not to forgive him, even though leaving without a word had sent you into a mood. It was Toby after all - and it had been a genuine accident, he hadn't meant any harm. 

Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt a hand slide into yours, lacing your fingers together in the space between you on the bench. You looked down at your conjoined hands, and then followed Toby's arm back up to his face, smiling. He looked all too proud of himself. 

"You're not that smooth, you know." You said. 

"Let me have this." Toby returned, tugging on your arm until your conjoined hands were resting in his lap. He took the opportunity then to lean on your shoulder, grinning up at you. 

You rested your head on top of his. "Fine."

You sat like that for a while, just pillowed against each other, talking about menial things. Toby told you about his new house, and how he'd dropped out of school to pursue his streaming career. You told him about what Mrs. Mears had said about the performance in the exhibition, and how Maya had brought you a cupcake for kissing him. He'd laughed at that, and you could feel the vibrations against your side. 

You could have sat there for hours, but eventually you felt your phone buzz in your pocket and pulled it out, looking at the text from Maya. 

drop that location mate we comin to pick u up

You huffed out a little laugh and did as she asked before tucking your phone away again. Against your side, Toby sighed. "You have to go already?"

"I've got to be home before it's completely dark." You said. "But you still owe me a date remember."

Toby perked up at that, lifting his head off his shoulder slightly. "Next weekend? I'll plan something special."

"Sure." You said, smiling. 

It was a few minutes more before you saw Kieran's car come around the corner, slowing to a stop at the curb in front of the bench. They had put the top up since they had dropped you off, but Maya rolled down her window, leaning out the side. "Yo, Toby!"

You got up from the bench, Toby getting up with you still not having let go of your hand. He seemed determined to hold on for as long as he could - and you were going to let him because it was absolutely adorable. 

You wandered up to the side of the car. "Hi Maya." 

She smiled at you and Toby's hands, still swinging between you. "Get everything sorted out?"

You hummed, grinning at Toby. "All better."

"Good." She said. And without any more warning, she swung an arm out, socking Toby in the stomach, hard. He doubled over, letting go of your hand in favor of clutching at his stomach instead. 

"Maya!" You said, reaching out to Toby. "What the hell-"

"Sorry." Maya said. "No hard feelings, yeah mate?"

Toby stood back up, one hand still pressed over his stomach. "Sure. I probably deserved that."

Behind the wheel, Kieran snickered. "At least he's honest about it."

 "You alright?" You asked turning to Toby. "That looked like it hurt."

Toby grinned. "Yeah, I'm okay. Deserved it, so." He paused. "Uh, see you this weekend?"

"Yeah." You said, smiling and leaning forward to press a kiss to Toby's cheek before opening the door of the car. "See you." You looked back at him one last time to see a dusting of pink over his cheeks before you ducked into the car.

"See you Toby!" Maya called as Kieran started to pull away from the curb. She rolled up the window as you drove away, and you watched Toby get smaller out the window until you turned the corner and he disappeared from view. It was quiet for a moment in the car before Maya spoke again. 

"So?" She asked. "How'd it go? You tell him off for being a dickhead?"

"Sort of." You said. "But actually not at all."


"No, it's not..." You said. "He didn't mean for any of it to happen really, he just didn't think I liked him back."

"What?" Maya asked, glancing back at you. 

You explained, winding through the story as best you understood it. By the end, the car was quiet for a moment again until Maya spoke. 

"That's the dumbest reason to not tell somebody you're moving ever." She said. 

Next to her, Kieran looked a little sheepish. "Well... I don't know. Before we started dating I was thinking about something similar."

Maya's eyes darted to Kieran. "What, really?"

He shrugged, and Maya started on him, yapping about how she would have actually murdered him if he'd tried anything like that. You just smiled, leaning back into the backseat of the car feeling better than you had in weeks. 

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