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You hadn't been too nervous about starting at a new school when you had been moving in to the new house, seeing as it was a music program, bound to be full of people that had similar interests to you. You had assured yourself that it would be easy - you were older now, perfectly capable of walking into a new place and finding a way for yourself. 

You had grossly overestimated your own confidence. Every step you took towards the new school building increased the nerves roiling in your stomach by half.

You tried to just focus on the steady pace of your feet on the pavement, but you couldn't help but think of everything that could go wrong today - first days were never easy, but at least in years past when you moved from school to school, you had been moving with the rest of your class. You would know no one here. 

What if you got horribly lost and missed all your classes? What if you made bad first impressions on your teachers and they hated you for the rest of the year? What if the rest of your classmates were really talented and made you look like a fool on the piano? What if what you were wearing was considered uncool here? What if-

You stopped that train of thought there - you were already keyed up from the prospect of walking into a new place full of people your age who would no doubt be judging you, you didn't need to make it worse by picking out all the details. You pulled your headphones out of your pocket, connecting them to your phone and playing something chill, hopefully to calm you down a little. The music began to flow in your ears and you just kept walking, breathing in the cool morning air. 

There was something to be said for being able to walk to school - you had had to take the bus back at your old home, and it never failed to put you in a foul mood before school every day. Now, this walk was peaceful - the rest of town was just waking up, and there was that freshness in the air.

You hummed along, finding some comfort in the familiarity of the song. You feet kept a rhythm as you walked, hitting the pavement at a steady pace. You couldn't help but smile - the crunch of the pavement and the gentle twitter of the morning birds only added to the song. 

As you got closer to the school building, you started seeing more people your age going in the same direction, carrying a variety of different cases for music instruments along with their bookbags. You saw flutes, trumpets, violins and violas and one boy with the biggest case you had ever seen - probably a tuba of some kind. You kept your head down for the most part, but you were catalogging each person you saw - these were your new classmates after all.

For the most part, they didn't look that different from any other collection of college-age kids you had seen. Your eyes jumped from group to group as you made your way down the road, trying to piece how this school worked together in your mind. You passed a group of girls that looked like they had just stepped out of a magazine shoot, and then a few feet away, another group of boys that looked like they hadn't showered in weeks. 

There was certainly a variety of people here.

You turned a corner and looked up, coming face to face with the actual school building. It was long and flat, and part of the wall near the front was floor to ceiling windows, letting you see into the cafeteria. More students loitered around outside, chatting with their friends as they waited for the school day to start. You exhaled, pausing your music and taking your headphones out and putting them back in your pocket. 

You stepped into the school yard proper, following the path towards the front door of the building. It felt like the beginning of a bad highschool movie, when there was a wide shot of the school and the 'new kid' walking up to the building for the first time. You could feel the nerves simmering under your skin as you walked, all those what ifs coming back to you now. 

You were going to be fine. It was just a first day of school, not a big deal. You'd done loads of first days before, pretty much every year. So what if it was a new place? You were going to be fine, and you were going to absolutely kill it in your music classes and make loads of new friends who were also into music. 

Positive affirmations and whatnot. 

You steeled yourself and strode up to the doors, pushing inside. Inside the building looked like just about any other school - student made art projects adorned the front halls, and you could see a few teachers chatting as they leaned against one of the walls, having their morning tea. The overhead lights made light reflect off the tiles, and you pulled out your phone, looking over the schedule you had saved last night.

Your eyes found the room number and teacher for your form room quickly, and you glanced at the room numbers on the doors nearby - judging by that, where you needed to be was probably on the other side of the school. 

You sighed, rolling your phone in your hand just to give yourself something to do to relieve the nerves somewhat as you started on the trek, keeping track of the room numbers as you walked by. You would have preferred to have your form room closer to the entrance of the school, just out of convenience, but at least you could try and start building a map of the school as you walked. 

The pad of your feet on the tiles wasn't the same as the pavement, and if you were honest, it was way worse of a sound.

INTERLUDE // Tubbo X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang