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You all but hopped down the stairs, swinging your school bag along with you as you walked into the kitchen to grab something to eat before you headed off. The giddiness from last night hadn't faded much - if anything, you were more excited now to see him again, even if it was just for class. Just thinking about seeing that sweet smile you liked so much made you grin as you made yourself some toast. 

Your mother, who had been enjoying her morning cup of tea as she went through emails that she had missed last night, raised an eyebrow. "You seem happy this morning." She noted. "Something exciting happening at school today?"

You glanced over your shoulder as you put the bread into the toaster. "Uh, sort of." You said. "I've got piano class first thing."

Your mother hummed, going back to her emails. "I'm sure your teacher will have lots to say about your performance last night. I can't imagine she would have any negative comments to make, you were great up there."

"Thanks Mum." You smiled, pulling out your phone to glance over any missed notifications. You had one new text from Maya - a link to a Tiktok of a cute cat. You were sure she was going to have something to say when you got to form room this morning, and you were still going back and forth as to whether or not she had been joking about the cupcake thing. You could never really tell with her. 

Your toast jumped out of the toaster and you ate, washing it down with some juice before you slung your bag over your shoulder and headed out the door, waving to your mum one last time before the it swung shut behind you and you headed to the pavement, turning to walk to school. You pulled your headphones out of your pocket and popped them in your ears, scrolling through your playlists in search of something suitable.

Your thumb hovered above a collection of cheesy love songs. You didn't usually listen to this type of thing on your walk to school - was usually something more chill, just to get you in the mood for a day at school - but you pressed play anyway. What the hell. You were in the mood for some cheesy love songs at the moment.

You hummed along to the song as you walked towards the school, just enjoying the early morning sunshine and the swirl of the excited butterflies that had taken residence in your stomach. You couldn't stop thinking about Toby - although, after a night like that, you doubted anyone would have been able to - and you just wanted to see him already. Would he grab your hand under the pianos again? 

Just thinking about it made you smile. 

It was about three songs before you caught sight of the school, your steps speeding up a little bit as you made your way through the yard. It was a little stupid, you knew - getting to form room sooner wasn't going to make the time between then and piano class go any faster. But you were sure Maya would be eager to talk to you, and you did want to see if she had actually gotten you a cupcake.

You pulled out your headphones as you walked into the school building, navigating your way through the flow of other students as you made your way to your form room. Subconsciously, you kept scanning the crowd around you for a familiar mop of brown hair, with no luck. Didn't matter though, you were sure you would see him in piano like you always did. 

Maya was waiting for you in form room, phone in one hand and a little plastic container in the other. She perked up as you walked in, patting the seat beside her excitedly and setting the container down on the desk. 

You sat down and popped open the lid to see a cupcake with pink frosting, the kind of thing you could pick up from the shops. "You didn't."

"I did." Maya grinned. She drummed her fingers on the edge of the table, almost as excited as you. 

You closed the container back up. "Thanks." You laughed. "We'll split it at lunch."

"No way." Maya said, almost affronted. "That's all for you, mate, you deserve it. Just a couple days ago you were getting all embarrassed about wanting to hold hands, and then you're making out up on the catwalk during the exhibition - goddamn! That's progress!"

You bit back a laugh, tracing a finger around the edge of the container in front of you absently. "I guess."

"You guess." Maya rolled her eyes, but the smile never left her face as she leaned forward to rest her head in her hands. "What happens now? Gonna ask him out?"

The giddy butterflies turned nervous at the thought of that and you exhaled quickly. "I mean. I guess?" You said. "I don't know."

Maya raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to date him?"

You rolled that over in your head for a moment - you had been so preoccupied with the crush that you hadn't really thought much beyond it. Little images of what it could be like flashed through your head - you and Toby getting food after school, playing video games in his room, fooling around on the piano in your room, sitting in your window seat and enjoying a cup of tea together. Just thinking about it made the fuzzy feeling come back. 

Yeah, you wanted that. 

"Yeah." You said, turning back to Maya. "Yeah, I do."

"Then ask him." She said. "He kissed you first, you knew that he likes you enough for that, so just ask. I'm sure he'll say yes."

You grinned at her. "You think so?"

Maya rolled her eyes again. "Please." She said. "'Do you think so?' Like he made out with you as a friend?"

You giggled, just shrugging. Maybe you would ask him out... surely he would say yes. And then you could kiss him all you wanted. Your heart fluttered just thinking about it. 

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