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It turned out you had been worrying for nothing, as Toby would be able to make it to the exhibition. You'd been relieved when he'd told you that you wouldn't have to play the piece with someone you didn't know - it would be a comfort to be going up on that stage in front of everyone with Toby, in more ways than one.

Of course, Maya was also excited when you told her that Toby was going to make it to the exhibition - for her own reasons.

You spent the days leading up to the event practicing with Toby whenever you could - spending your lunch breaks in Mrs. Mears classroom going over the piece again and again until you could play it with your eyes closed. It felt like yours days were suddenly saturated with Toby - not that you minded at all, really - but seeing so much of him only made you think more about the warm feelings that took hold in your chest when he was around, and how he would be leaving after the exhibition.

You really didn't want him to leave. He was one of your only friends here, and it wouldn't be the same without him. You would miss his little 'good morning's when he walked into piano class, and the way his face would light up in a grin when he passed you in the hallway. Just thinking about it made dread pool up in your gut, so you busied yourself with the exhibition work instead, ignoring the limited time you had left. 

Soon enough thought, it was exhibition night, and you were leaning against one of the walls backstage, watching as a few of the teachers rolled a piano out from behind the curtains. The place was already filling up with people - students and parents alike - and you had yet to find Toby or Maya in all the commotion. 

You kept clenching and unclenching your fingers, trying to get the nervous jitters out of your system. You just wished someone was here for you to talk to-


You turned to see Maya coming towards you, tugging along a tall Asian boy behind her. She was all done up - a burnt orange dress that matched the bronze ornaments she had braided into her locs - with a bright smile on her face. Some of the nerves dissipated as she walked up to you - at least you weren't waiting by yourself now. 

"You look great." Maya said as she came to a stop in front of you, looking over the nice outfit you had picked out for your debut in front of the school. "Excited?"

"Nervous." You said, turning your attention to the boy standing next to Maya. "Is this the infamous Kieran who goes to another school?"

He nodded - a little shy, it seemed to you - and Maya squeezed his hand, positively beaming as she looked at him. "Yeah." She said proudly. "Drove all the way out here just to come see me, isn't he fantastic?"

You couldn't help but smile at that. Maya was absolutely glowing standing next to him - this was the happiest you had ever seen her. And while you didn't know Kieran all that much, you could tell he was happy too, just from the little quirk in the corner of his mouth. Your attention was ripped away from them though when you felt a familiar presence come to stand at your side.

Toby. Dressed not in his school clothes but something nicer. The nerves in your stomach turned to butterflies for a moment just looking at him, and you covered it up with a smile, greting him with a small, "Hey."

"Hi." Toby returned, grinning. "Ready for this?"

"Enough." You said truthfully. You could hear the gathered audience talking amongst themselves as they waited for the show to start. You would be in front of all of them soon enough, playing the piece you had written. The nerves roiled again in anticipation - the waiting was going to kill you.

Although, maybe it was a good thing that you weren't going to get it over right away. After all, the sooner you finished playing tonight, the less time you would get to spend with Toby before he moved away. 

You heard the voices from the gathered crowd begin to die out, and the room darkened somewhat - the exhibition would be beginning soon then. Your nerves flared, and you clenched your hands again, sending all the nervous energy to the tips of your fingers. 

"I'm going to go grab a seat." Kieran said, pressing a little kiss to Maya's forehead. "You're going to absolutely kill it."

"I'll come find you after." Maya said, squeezing his hand one more time before letting him go. Kieran headed back out, hands tucked into his pockets and tossing one last smile at his girlfriend before he disappeared around the corner. 

"He seems nice." Toby noted. "Yeah?"

You barely heard the question, too busy trying to expel all the nervous energy in you. "Hmm?" You asked. 

Toby pursed his lips, looking down to where you were still clenching and unclenching your fingers repeatedly. "What are you doing?" He asked, reaching down to still your fingers with his own. "You're going to accidentally pull a muscle in your hand or something." 

Butterflies erupted in your stomach at the simple action, and you could feel Maya's eyes on you, a smug sort of excitedness radiating off her. "Yeah, Y/N." She added. "Wouldn't want to hurt yourself."

You shot a glare at her, but it didn't last long as Toby was still playing with your fingers, softening your hand until all the tension was gone. He did the other one as well, just gently kneading until both your hands were pliant and loose again - ready to play piano.

"There." He said, smiling. "Much better."

"Thanks." You said, speaking around a lump in your throat - both from nerves and from the feeling of Toby's fingers gently prying yours back from where you had curled them into your palms. You were going to miss him when he moved away.

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