Jong Suk try to made logic conclusion when everyone still thinking.


All eyes on Chae Won when her phone notification sound. She take it and frown a while before she nod made everyone concern to her.

"My assistant text me, she want to meet Tzuyu and Mina face to face cause she want to give something but im sure its for their present. Hyo Joo, you want to follow me?"

"Yeah sure."

"Wait, you guys wanna go now? This still 9 am on morning."

Joon Gi stop them a while when suprise his wife want to go out with their daughters in law and Hyo Joo.

"We just meet at the mall, dear. Dont worry, after we meet her, we will back here."


Now its Mina turn pull their attention, she look down and see Hannah text her but what made Mina weird is why she use new number.

-Boss, there is important file i need to give you now. Lets meet at mall because im waiting there now. Maybe at parking lot?-

Without hestitation, Mina agree and get up while pull Tzuyu hands too.

"Its okay, Hannah text me she want to meet me too at mall. But i dont know why she use new number, maybe her phone broke or had problem. Gwaenchana, i and Tzuyu will company mom a while."

"You want us follow you?"

"Its okay Mingyu, i will drive Mina and moms go there. We will call once we done there."

The girls bid their goodbyes with driving Tzuyu car, Wonwoo and Mingyu feel uneasy to let them go but their dad sure everything will be fine.

They seat back to discuss what they had to talk.



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


They turn their back after hear someone call Mina. Its been half an hour, they at mall after met Chae Won assistant but they now at parking lot want to see Hannah.


"Its coincidence to meet you here!"

"Errr but you the one who told me to meet you here."

"No? I didnt even text you anything since yesterday."

Now four of them were stone for a while, but Mina sure she get text from Hannah a while ago. She take her phone and show to Hannah the text she get but her assistant scretch her head.

"Its not my number, boss. I still used my old one, and about the important file, mmmm so far i will give you next week since you said you wont go the show at Daegu."

"A-are you sure? But it wrote here you want to meet me at parking lot! You not kidding me, right?"

"I swear, boss! Im with my fiancee a while ago before we part away. What is happening? Miss Tzuyu, madam Hyo Joo? Madam Jeon?"

11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu)✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat