Chapter 15 (Henry)

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I didn't try to sway him of his assumptions, I wasn't planning anything yet, and I still wasn't mated. "What happened to you? Where have you been?" I asked.

"Your mate is lovely by the way, she reminds me of your..." He looked at me and smiled before he continued, "of my Angelica."

I growled then, "You better not have touched her."

"Of course I didn't. I smelled a human and went to see. I noticed the silver on her neck." He chuckled, "Is she giving you a hard time? My Angelica did too. I had to wait three days before she submitted to me."

"It's complicated."

"Yes, I had heard from Lawrence she has a child. I'm sorry, Henry. I am proud of you though. You seem to be treating her well, I'm glad you remembered some of my lessons."

"That's how you found me? Lawrence." Overstepping boundaries again, I really needed to talk to him.

He nodded, removing the food from the stove he plated up the steaks next to the salad I had laid out.

"Where have you been?" I asked again. "Why did you leave, I could have used your guidance and counsel."

"The antipodes mostly, outside of Alfred's reach." He smiled, "Alfred is not well liked amongst the four other monarchs."

"Why did you leave?" I asked again, frustrated by his avoidance.

"Alfred doesn't like competition. As I am sure you are discovering." 

"You tried to overthrow Father?"

"No, our competition was over something else." His lips pulled back from his teeth in a sneer.

I was going to ask him what that was but I heard my Little Fawn wake and her footsteps lead her to the bathroom.

"I best go, and leave you two to get mated." He smirked, "I'm sure she won't hold back much longer, I could hear you two miles away."

Growling I said, "That's a little crass wouldn't you say?" But I was disappointed "I don't want you to leave, Uncle. I've missed you."

"I won't go far, you're very unprotected here. I'll stay around, guard you. Alfred is looking for you, well looking for both of you. Rumour is she's hiding with Alpha Alex and he isn't happy. I don't know how long you two will be safe here. If you can speed up the process, I suggest you do so."

"She has a child with Alpha Alex," I said. "She's worried and so am I."

"You'll be fine. Mate and it will all sort itself out." He looked at me seriously and said, "Truly, you are not like your father."

"Henry?" My mate called out to me.

"I'm here little Fawn," I replied, keeping my voice light.

Switching to internal dialogue Felix said, "Aw, you're so soft hearted. I don't see how you could be Alfred's son, you're so much like me."

"Where is Angelica?" I sent to his mind, ignoring his tease.

"With Lawrence and David," he pressed their image in my mind. "She is ok to wait there for a few weeks, she loved you too. Do you remember?"

I heard my Little Fawn come down the stairs, and Felix left. "I'll be around, I'll stay a few miles away, but I should hear you if you need. I'll keep a lookout. I'm happy for you nephew," Felix sent as he was leaving.

"Thank you, Uncle," I sent back in farewell. "Be safe."

"Henry, why is there all this firewood on the floor?"

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