|| Licht x Hyde (Lawless) || Servamp ||

Start from the beginning

At that point, Hyde's eyes had slid accusingly toward Licht.

"I loved her dearly. So much so that I would never feel that way for another—"

Lawless seemed to realise what he had said, and glanced around at Licht to see his reaction.

But all he got as a response was, "You must have really loved her."

Licht's insides were hurting. It was like something was bashing his heart, and it was curious.

"Angel-cakes, you're bleeding!" Hyde's hands suddenly grabbed Licht. Everyone had thought that the piano playing male had healed up, but that was wrong. It was days after the fight now, and he had not needed to be taken to any medics due to his healing power. It was too bad that he couldn't go to one either, but it was painful.

Licht said nothing, his eyesight was blurring. He could feel something shaking him, telling him to keep his eyes open, but he was so tired. He wanted to sleep, not wanting to ever move a muscle again.

"Stay awake, damnit! I thought you were stronger than that!" Hyde yelled, his face must have been showing anger.

"Kill me... then—" Licht choked, his voice barely audible. "Don't you—do that?"

Hyde was shaking, "Shut up!" and Licht was genially surprised that he was not dead.

Then his eyes rolled back into his head as everything went dark.

Hyde's POV (Lawless)

Hyde brought Licht back to Mahiru's home where they were staying at the moment, and since he was a Servamp, no one could see him or his Eve.

He had lied just now. He was feeling the way he did for Ophelia , but this time, it was for Licht. It was something similar to his second love, only, not as gentle and caring of course.

Hyde still remembered the day Ophelia had decided to sacrifice herself, and how the grief, fury and sadness had overwhelmed him.

At first, when he found Licht, he had tried to kill him after a few weeks similar to what he did with all the others. He then found he couldn't. Not just because Licht himself was strong, but because emotionally, he couldn't handle doing such a thing again.

The male with white streaks through his dark hair was the polar opposite of Ophelia, but somehow, Hyde was drawn the the younger male. As soon as they reached the correct flat, Hyde carried Licht as he kicked open the door into the room and walked into the room. Then, he set Licht, gently, onto the futon already laid out. Realising that neither Mahiru or Kuro was there, Lawless felt momentarily relieved.

Feeling slightly embarrassed as he changed Licht, he grabbed the bandages they had used after the battle and wrapped some hastily over the wound in the angel's abdomen. Then he laid down on his own futon, groaning as he did so, and tried to get some rest.

Hours later, Hyde got up to see Licht's hand twitching. Worried, he strode over to the other's bed and bent over him, not knowing the consequences of his actions. Soon enough, the supposedly asleep male sat up, banging his forehead against Hyde's and accidentally crushing their lips together.

The development between the was shocking as the two's eyes widened and they immediately broke apart.

"Stupid Hedgehog! What were you doing?" Licht yelped and grabbed his side, groaning and slumping back into the futon as Hyde literally crawled on top of him.

"Get off me! What are you doing?" Licht shivered as Lawless reached up to brush his face, "O—oi!"

Hyde did not know why he was doing this, but it felt like something he should convey.

He brushed their lips together, holding Licht's hands above his head as he inserted his tongue. Licht's struggle was weak, as if he could not think about this too much.

Both of them were getting warmer, blood rushing to their lips and every part the other touched. The blankets were off the futon and—

The latter was surprisingly pleasured, Hyde realised, as the other moaned and ached his back. "N—gh! We sh—shouldn't—mmm—"

"Shush, Licht," and Hyde could tell the surprise of the other when being called by his name, "we are just getting started."

Soon reduced to a moaning mess, Licht was looking at Hyde with desire, lust and all kinds of other emotions in his eyes. And at that moment, Hyde felt relief. Relieved that he had managed to find someone besides Ophelia. Someone he... loved...

Licht shuddered as Hyde's knee came up in between the latter's legs and ground against him. Hyde himself moaned into the kiss as Licht started to reciprocate it and—

The sound of the door banging open mad Hyde jump off his Eve, both red faced and alert. Fortunately, it had not been their door and was the front.

When Kuro and Mahiru checked on them, they found the two, nearly rolling on the floor as they shook with laughter.

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