Chapter Five: Prom Night

Start from the beginning

Instinctively, Dream rushed to help her, taking the steaks from her hand and carrying them over to the outdoor table. 

"Oh, thank you, Dream," Ashley gave Dream a polite smile, now capable of carrying the tub of spices with both hands, making everything a lot easier, "I was afraid I'd drop those."

"It was no problem," Dream waved a dismissive hand in the air, denying Ashley's praise, "You should've told me you needed help."

"I'll keep that in mind for next time," Ashley ran a hand through her hair as she made sure she had everything ready for her live stream. Nothing could be missing or her whole broadcast would be ruined.

Sapnap brushed his shoulder against Dream's, drawing in his attention, "I could use some help with the yard, simp."

Dream nodded, twisting on his heel to observe the yard. He had two options here, and sadly only one of them was truly a good one.

The dog poop had to be picked up and the shed had to be power washed. The power washer made far too much noise and would ruin Ashley's stream, so naturally, his only option was the dog shit.

Curse that adorable ball of fur that sat around all day and didn't truly do anything more than sleep and eat. 

"I'll pick up all the shit if you go to prom," Dream offered, taking the shovel out of Sapnap's hand.



Dream had to shove Sapnap along as he tried to get him to enter the gymnasium, where hundreds of their classmates were already waiting. Sapnap was already complaining about the noise levels and how bright the strobe lights were, and Dream was forced to believe tonight would be a huge hassle.

But Dream would do anything to complete Sapnap's high school experience.

The room was filled in by tables all spaced out on the left hand side, a DJ booth at the very front of all the action, a table full of snacks and various drinks on the right hand side, and the middle section had been reserved for dancing.

It was incredibly cliche, the theme being 'starry night' and room decorated in silver and other dark tones, but it felt familiar. (Quite possibly because Dream had lived through this exact moment every time he watched a Netflix movie, but that was meaningless.)

Dream pulled Sapnap along by the arm, directing them to an empty table in the far corner, unfortunately furthest from the festivities. Although Dream didn't exactly appreciate being so far from the crowd of dancing teens and blasting speakers, he figured the best way to keep Sapnap around was to cater to each and every one of his needs.

If Sapnap said he was thirsty, Dream would be to the punch bowl and back within moments. If Sapnap said he had to pee, Dream would escort him to the nearest restroom immediately and even stand behind him while he used the urinal, as Sapnap had always been uncomfortable about peeing in public. And of course, on the off chance that Sapnap wanted to slow dance and kiss Dream under the artificial stars, he'd wrap his arms around Sapnap's hips and lead the way.

Except the last one was exaggerated. Sapnap would never want to kiss Dream and as far as Dream was aware, he wouldn't kiss Sapnap either.

But if Sapnap insisted and really, really felt the urge to kiss him, Dream wouldn't necessarily avoid the smooch. That would just make things awkward and that wasn't what Dream desired on his prom night.

"This looks like a disaster in the making," Sapnap plopped down in the folding chair, wincing slightly as his spine painfully made impact with cold metal.

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