i guess i was the first one up in the house. seeing it was 9am and there was no sign of anyone else. i decided to watch youtube while i waited for the others to wake up.

i watched around two hours of survivor and sapnap and dream still haven't woken up. i decided to make breakfast while i waited for everyone to wake up.

i wasn't the best cook in the world, but atleast it was something. i decided to make pancakes. it wasn't too difficult.

after i finished mixing all the ingredients i started to cook it. i waited awhile before flipping them all.

i finally flipped the last one, setting them all onto a plate in the middle of the table. while i was washing the dishes sapnap and dream walked into the kitchen.

"dream you look exhausted" i spoke

"long story"

"want to talk about it?"

"maybe later"

i shrugged it off and continued washing the dishes.

"oh, and george...why did you sleep on the couch last night" dream pointed out

"oh because it was hot in my room last night. how did you know i was out there anyways...didn't you just wake up?"

"i uhm...i had a nightmare and came out to get water and stuff"


"anyways...i see you made pancakes"

"yup! help yourself"

sapnap and dream walked over to the table and sat down. they began picking pancakes off of the plate, putting them onto their own.

they left some for me aswell to take. sapnap took the first bite as dream and i looked over at him.

"they're good, surprisingly" he said

definitely wasn't what i was expecting. i mean, unless he was lying of course.

i took a bite for myself and tried them. they weren't too bad. if i tried harder to make them they probably would've been better.

after awhile everyone was finally finished eating, and i washed the dishes.

we all decided to go to the movie theater together. we went to go watch something basic. spider man.

i wasn't complaining seeing it wasn't a bad movie. all the other movies were horrible and worse than spider man so we stuck with it.

once we finally arrived we went in line to purchase out tickets. dream payed of course. seeing he refused to let sapnap or i actually spend money.

we then went into a separate line and purchased snacks. we all got some sort of medium soda and some candy. sapnap got skittles, i got m&ms, and dream got swedish fish.

finally, we walked over to the line to get out tickets checked. once we were finally done we could walk into the movie room.

"we should sit at the top" i suggested

"sure why not" sapnap replied

we all made our way up the staircase to the top row. sapnap sat on my left while dream sat on my right. me in the middle of them.

we all went onto our phones while we waited for the movie to start. about 10 minutes later the screen finally turned on, us all putting our phones away.


fifty minutes into the movie and i was getting bored. i've seen this movie so many times before. it wasn't interesting seeing it again.

i ignored it as i pulled my hand down to my side. which was met with another hard object.

dreams hand....

the back of our hands setting against eachother, where neither of us pulled away. the tension rises as i waited for someone to pull away. not even i could do it.

he moved his hand closer to mine. out of instinct i grabbed his hand, now holding onto it. which i immediately regretted.

i hope dream isn't mad at me. i hope he isn't uncomfortable and was to shy to tell me. no  he would tell you, right?

he then gripped my hand even harder.

nope...he definitely didn't want to pull away

soon the movie eventually ended. where mine and dreams hands separated. the lights in the movie room started to slowly turn on. we all gathered our trash and left the room.

i tried not to make things too obvious. i tried not to think back to what just happened but it was difficult. the fact that i just held hands with the person i liked.

while we were walking back to the car dream smiled at me. causing me to get butterflies.

got why am i like this. he has to be doing this on purpose.

we all stepped into the car patiently waiting for dream to start driving. i did my usual thing, pulling out my phone to scroll through twitter. but instead i was met with a different notification.

when we get home..upstair in your room

sorry if there's spelling/grammar mistakes :,)
and TYSM!!! for 210k reads <33

the not so good subgoalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora