"Don't worry about it?" I say, shaking my head. "So is that a deal?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "Riley, that's a nice amount of money, but it's not going to cover all of this... And I can't give up all of it.." He says.

I sigh, reaching in the bag, grabbing two handfuls of small bags with pills and other assortments of hard drugs which would help ease my pain. "How much for this, then?" I ask.

He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. "I dunno.. 700 maybe." He says.

"Alright, I'll give you a grand." I say and stand up. "Get me a bag." I say and he nods quickly, grabbing a paper bag and handing it to me. I open it up and drop the drugs into the bag. I set it aside and reach into my jacket pocket, counting a grand from the wad.

"Damn, Riley.. You rob a bank?" He asks, raising a brow as he watched me count the money.

"Shut up." I say and hand him the money, putting the rest back in my pocket. I grab the paper bag and make my way to the door. "Nice meeting you, Stacy. You kids have fun." I say as I pass her on the couch and head to the door, opening it and walking back out into the cold night.

I get back into the car and drive back home. I park my shitty car on the curb and get out, walking back into my house with the paper bag gripped in my hand.

The house was still eerily silent as I walked in. I shut the door and walked upstairs and into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Thankfully, my mother still wasn't home, so I could do what I needed to in peace.

I take a deep breath and empty the contents of the paper bag onto the tiled white floor. I crouch down, picking up some prescription pain killers. I walk over to the sink and see my reflection in the mirror. Tears immediately fill my eyes as I realize what I have resorted to doing again.

The past few months have replayed in my mind continuously now, chipping away at my already broken heart some more. I was tired of all the heartbreak and all the sorrow. I'm tired of feeling this way.

Pictures of my fathers death shoot through my mind as well as all the days I'd come home to my drunken mother who didn't care one bit for my existence. My mind retraced all the days I would cry to myself as a child, sad that I didn't have a mother who cared for me, or a father that was around for more than two hours a day.

A small part of my conscience which was hiding in the back of my head tried reminded me that Luke loved me, he truly did; I have someone who cares about me. But unfortunately that came crashing to an end in a matter of seconds by the demons in my mind, battling with the weak bit of positivity. It reminded me that he didn't love me anymore. That I had fucked up, as expected. He wasn't going to forgive me for my stupid mistake. I didn't deserve the forgiveness; I deserved this pain.

I grip the orange plastic bottle and pop open the white cap, emptying three pills in my hand. I stare down at it for a few seconds; Devil on one shoulder and angel on the other, fighting. Eventually, I give in to the loudest one, the one that was constantly ringing in my ear to do it; the same one that was replaying the many horrible memories in my mind as if it were a movie. I stare at myself in the mirror as I lifted my hand up, and tossed the pills into my mouth, swallowing them with a slight hesitation.

All hesitation had been lifted the first round. After those two pills had gone down, I grab the bottle again, dispensing three more onto my hand and down them in a split second without taking my eyes off the person who looked just like me, in the mirror.

I keep on reaching for the bottle, emptying two or three pills, time after time, until the bottle was empty. I drop the bottle and cap into the sink, staring into my tired eyes through the mirror, seeing nothing but emptiness beyond them.

The recommended dose on the sicker was no more than two a day for whoever it was prescribed too... I had downed the entire bottle which was about 18 pills; I'm sure I'll be numb of all pain in about five minutes.

I reach over and open up the paper bag, looking inside as nothing seemed interesting anymore. These pills were enough, and thankfully they were starting to take effect. I take a seat on the cold tiles and lean against the wall. I stare up at the bright light and chuckle to myself as I soon felt nothing anymore. No pain. No heartbreak. No sadness. No emptiness. Simply numb of all emotion and feeling due to the lovely magical powers of the painkillers; clearly living up to its name. The bathroom suddenly begins to get blurry, but I don't worry; not for a second since worrying is a feeling; and I don't possess any at this moment.

Within a few more seconds, I stare up at the light on the ceiling once more, dwelling in this amazing feeling; the feeling of nothing at all. I hear a slight faint knocking sound, not sure where it was coming from but I soon forget about it when my vision slowly began to fail me as it filled my line of sight with black dots; until the last thing I saw was complete darkness.

Luke's POV

After dinner, I grabbed a coat and shrugged it on, grabbing my keys and leaving my house. It was already pretty late, and I have to admit, I was stalling a bit. I made my mom let me wash the dishes so I wouldn't have to come over to see her so soon. I didn't know what to say, but I guess my mom was right. You deserved to at least be heard out, so that's what I'm going to do.

I get to my car and drive to her house. I see her car parked on the curb, thank god she was home. I park my car behind hers and get out, walking up to her door and knocking a couple times. When she doesn't come to the door after a few tries, I ring the doorbell.

She still didn't answer, so I waited a little bit longer before reaching under the door mat and grabbing the key to the house. I can't believe people still put their keys under the mat even though it's not the smartest choice.

"Riley?" I call out. "It's uh, it's Luke.." I say. "Can we talk, babe?" I ask and sigh to myself when I don't hear a response. Maybe she's in her room or something.

I walk up the narrow wooden stairs and they creek slightly under my feet. I walk down the small hall and get to her bedroom door. I knock a few times, "Riley?" I say before opening it to find an empty room. Well, alright. I move onto the next bedroom, and that one was empty as well. The only room left was the bathroom. I open up the door and see my girlfriend, lying on the bathroom floor, empty pill bottle in the sink, with a lifeless pale face.

(There are 2 chapters left ladies and gents ;) hope you enjoyed, and thank you again for all of your support, lots of love xx)
(Songs for this chapter are Perfect- Hedley and Just Tonight- The Pretty Reckless)

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