Ty: "Keep playing dumb. See where it gets you." He said getting angrier by the moment.

ChAsE: "I have no idea what you're talking about."  He said with that horrendous smirk of his.

Prince: "YOU LITTLE-" He was  cut off by Elle walking in.

"Elle it's not what it looks like-" I said then was cut off by her putting her finger in my face, and that's a sign to shut up.

Lo: "Hey D what's goin- WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING TO ChAsE?!" She shouted in concern, as she was about to rip Liam off ChAsE she was stopped by Elle. In that moment Elle for the first time in her life was silent, if you weren't scared before you should be now.

Elle walked up to ChAsE and punched him so hard in the stomach he toppled over in pain and couldn't stand up.

Elle: "If you get in my head one more time you'll be chocking up your lunch for the rest of your life." She said in a low steady voice, it really creeped me out. All of us just stood there in shock and Liam just laughed. "Let's go Yami and I will explain." She said then grabbed Willow's hand and walked out the room with us following and ChAsE..... was still on the floor.

We made our way to courtyard where Yami was fuming. Pacing back and fourth as fast as she can but stopped when she saw us, honestly I was confused. Happy but confused.

Yami: "That boy brain washed us and MANIPULATED US- * continues to rambles*

Elle: "Yami slow down." She said putting her hand on her shoulder

Yami: "NO HE DESERVED TO DROWN HE-" * gets shut up by Liam and glares at him*

Liam: "Why don't we let D, explain." 

Elle: "Basically the creep controlled our minds, we didn't know at first cause Yami and Willow weren't use to it but I felt the same feeling when Yami controlled me on Willow's birthday. That's how we figured it out." 

"I knew something was wrong with that creep. He gave my bad vibes." I said knowingly.

Prince: "That's why you punched him?" He said and cringed.

Elle: "If I punched him any harder he would be chocking up blood." She said with a smirk.

Ty: "Ok that's enough of that creepy look on your face." He said then pulled Elle beside him.

Elle: "I don't know what you're talking bout." She said laughing lightly.

 Lo: ". . .He did WHAT?!" She said with her eyes bulging out her head in realisation.

Yami: "Did I forgot mention that Willow didn't know about it .👉🏻 👈🏻" She then stepped behind Liam. 

"Lo calm down you know now." I said then pulled her into a side hug.

As we were going to talk more about the subject the bell rang ending lunch, so we had to got o our next class and see that smug face ChAsE. We got to our class and there was headmistress Neko with the rest of our class. When she saw us her face face went from soft too disappointed in a second. You wouldn't believe who was next to her ChAsE.

All of us in unison: "Son of a biscuit." The seven of us said in frustration.

Neko: * clears throat * "Good afternoon students, I was informed that a certain group of students tried ganging up ChAsE wAlLcOtT?" She said as the son of a biscuit smirked at us with a wicked smile. With that we took our seats and acted as natural as we could. "Does anyone want to share what they know?" 

ChAsE: "Yes headmistress. I can identify them." He said in a mischievous tone.

Elle: "CHUNKS. FOR. LIFE." She said under her breath with a death stare on him.

Yami and Lo: "Yeah, CHUNKS.FOR.LIFE." 

Neko: "Do you have something to say girls?" She said looking at them curiously along with the entire class. "Enough, ChAsE can please tell the names of these students?" She asked him when the girls didn't answer her.

ChAsE: "They are: Skyler and Tyler Hope, Prince Greyham, Liam Beckles and Danielle Jackson." He said as we watch in shock that he called all of our names when we didn't tell him.

The five of us: "Son of a biscuit." We said under our breaths. "CHUNKS. FOR. LIFE."

Neko: "Oh really, the five of you in my office NOW!" She said then walked out of the classroom with son of a biscuit behind her.

Liam: *breaks his pencil* "I'm gonna kill him." While we get up.

Yami: "For once angry bird I agree with you." She said before we were out the door.

When we arrived she sat all of down then went to close the door.

To be continued.......

Hey guys thank you so much for reading this chapter we hope you liked it as much as we loved making it. Anyways don't forget to vote, comment, follow both of us and share.


G.F.F.H. (Generation Five Forest High)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें