I T ' S O V E R

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When it gets to the bit where Raven's Phoenix powers come out, I recommend listening to Everybody Rules Wants To Rule The World by Lorde (From "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" Soundtrack)

Enjoy bestiesssss 


Raven Gold-Sword

We all filled into the Courtyard, me trying hide myself as best as possible with everyone around me. I still haven't found Draco. I try my best to keep my face hidden, but still being able to see the whole Courtyard. It was a terrible view. Suddenly I hear someone whisper my name.

"Raven! Pst! Raven!" 

I look to my left to see the one and only Fred Weasley stood next to George Weasley.

"What?" I whisper back, trying not to draw anymore attention to myself. 

"Stand behind us," Fred starts.

"To get better cover." George finished off.

In all honesty I thought that they hated me because of the whole 'Gryffindor versus Slytherin' thing, but I did save Fred's life tonight.

"Thanks," I reply, standing behind them. Turns out, they were the perfect height for me to fit in-between their shoulders and still see what was going on in the Courtyard. The Courtyard was separated in two: Death Eaters one side, and everyone else the other. This was a better view.

"Raven Gold-Sword, reveal yourself!" Voldemort bellows. 

I stay where I am stood.

Fred and George shuffle closer so that I can't see what was happening anymore.

"I know you are here young girl! Don't be foolish." He announces yet again.

There was silence all around. Tension that could be slashed with a knife. 

"Draco." A soft voice entered the muted Courtyard.

A woman's voice. 

I pushed past the Weasley twins ever so slightly, searching for Draco. I look a little to the right of me to see his fierce platinum blonde hair, his grey eyes piercing into my green ones. A feeling of relief washed over me. He is alive. I make my way slowly to him, as his parents still call out his name quietly. When I reach him, I grab onto his hand. I give his a squeeze which he returns.

I don't want to go.

A voice ran through my head. Draco's voice.

I know baby, but you have to.

I replied through thoughts.

But I don't want to.

Tears rim the edge my eyes at his words.

I know Draco, but it is for the best...

A singular tear rolled down my cheek.

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