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Raven Gold-Sword

The sun shone across the courtyard, as Blaise, Eva, Finn and I sat on a bench, talking about the classes we have had over the last week and how boring History of Magic is, on a Wednesday afternoon.  The bees finally learnt to leave Draco alone, and found the flowers more interesting. Butterflies where now flying around the grounds, along with other insects. The grass was green, and the trees rustled with the slight breeze that flowed around us. I was sat in between Draco's legs, as he played with my hair, and Finn sat in between Blaise and Eva. Everything was so good right now.

Almost everything.

Draco is still trying to fix the cabinet, but he is almost finished he thinks. He has tried to get to Dumbledore, but failed. He used an opal necklace, but that didn't work because Katie Bell touched it and almost died. He then laced a bottle of mead with poison trying to get Slughorn to give it to Dumbledore, Ron got poisoned instead, but was saved by Harry and the use of a Bezoar. I zone out of the conversation everyone was having, to take a look at my life right now. Draco and I are as good as ever, Finn has found someone, Eva and Blaise seem okay, even after their break up, they're just a little awkward.

"I don't think that I have ever been this happy, in a while..." I say, looking around the courtyard then back to my friends.

"Me too, I mean, not only have you and Draco got along, you're dating! Blaise and Eva were a thing, still kinda wish they were," This earned a awkward tension between the two of them, "I have met someone, and she is amazing. It's just so good right now." Finn says, looking at each of us in turn.

Suddenly a the Ravenclaw girl that I bumped into last week, walks into the Courtyard.

"Luna!" Finn calls, before getting up and running over to her.

He pulls her into a tight embrace, and cupped her face in his hands before kissing her.

"He seems really happy..." Blaise says, looking over at them.

"So was I..." Eva muttered, but Blaise didn't hear.

Me and Draco did though...

We looked at each other, and we could tell that we both felt bad for her. It was an equal decision to split, but I knew that she didn't want to. 

She loves Blaise. 

She truly does.

Finn walks back over to all of us, gripping on tightly to Luna's hand.

"Everyone, I want you to meet Luna, my... uh-my girlfriend." He stated finally.

Luna looked at him surprised, but a smile plastered across her face.

"Hello everyone, it's very nice to meet you." She says smiling at all of us.

"I get up from Draco's lap, and walk over to her.

"I am Raven, Raven Gold-Sword." I say. She holds her hand out to me, but I pull her into a hug instead. I pull away, "It's lovely to finally meet you. We have heard lots about you!" I finish off.

"Are you the girl that I bumped into in the hallway the other week?" She asks. She seemed nervous to meet all of us.

"Yeah! I didn't want to say anything just in case it wasn't you!" I say smiling, "Come and sit with us." I say, pulling her to where we were sat.

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