T H E P A R T Y (part 1)

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A/N: The video above is how I imagine the Slytherin party to be :) 

Raven Gold-Sword

It's now Friday. The week went by uneventful. Just more cold weather. The grounds are now covered in a thick layer of snow, with it being the end of November. All I have done is go to meal times, attend lessons and hang out in the common room. On repeat. Ever since my social life has been band, I've been bored out of my mind so I'm glad that Eva has planned a party tonight. I mean, I've gotten close to Draco recently. I think he's starting to open up to me. Starting...

"Miss Gold-Sword, care to tell the class what you are so deep in thought about?" Professor Snape says, immediately snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh- um, it's nothing." I stutter.

"Well, it is obviously something, as it has caught your attention, instead of listening to my lesson!" He says, badgering me.

I look around in alarm, trying to think of what to say, as there was no way I was going to admit my thoughts being about Draco Malfoy himself.

"Just the amount of homework I have to do later..." I say.


"Well Miss Gold-Sword, you can add Potions homework to that list." The whole class groans and look miserable, "I expect you all to revise the Amortentia potion and be able to brew it, this time, in two weeks! Class dismissed."

I rush to pack up my stuff, and practically run to my dorm, just like most of the other girls, to get ready for the party. Because I can't leave my common room for the Hogsmeade trips, I had to get my dress delivered. So I knew that when I got back to my dorm, I would see the delivery on my bed, waiting for me.

(A/N: this is the dress :)

When I finally reach my dorm, I see the box on my bed, awaiting for me to open it

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When I finally reach my dorm, I see the box on my bed, awaiting for me to open it. I throw my stuff on the floor and sprint to my bed. I open the box to see the mint green, satin dress, folded neatly. All I can say, is that it's gorgeous! I have fallen in love with a dress. Wow. I hear the door open, and spin round to see Eva, walking in with an extremely happy face.

"Why do you look so happy?" I ask, as she moves towards her bed, dropping her stuff on the floor and lying down, facing the ceiling.

"What? Am I not allowed to be happy?" She asks, still looking at the ceiling of her four-poster bed.

"Well, of course you're allowed to be happy, you just look extra happy... Care to spill?" I ask, making my way towards her, putting on a smile of my own.

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