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I struggled to apply my black eyeliner as my dorm mate is pulling clothes out of her wardrobe to wear for the first party back, a week into term on a Friday- thankfully.

"Does this look alright together?" Eva asks me, making me mess up yet another try at my winged liner. Eva was one of my best friends. She is the type of girl that you can just tell anything to. She  let you rant about how unfair Professor Flitwick was by setting a new essay about a different charm practically every lesson. She is just the best person ever. I turn around to see her holding up a cropped, black vest top and a black, green and white checkered skirt.

"It looks great," I say for the millionth time tonight, "In fact, put that on before you change your mind again!" I turn back around to finish my liner. 

By the time I have finally gotten both of my wings to look some what similar, I get up off of the desk, and head to my wardrobe. I pull out a black mini dress that had dark green dragons on it; I put my favorite black belt with it. I paired it with my classic leather jacket with some sheer tights and black combat boots. I look myself over in the full length mirror to check myself over, when I hear Eva say "You're so gonna get fucked tonight!"

"Oh shut up..." I say, still not satisfied with my uneven wings.

"I'm serious! I mean just look at you! You have the body, the personality... Besides, I am just hopping that I can get Blaise's attention." Eva has always had a thing for Blaise, even if she wouldn't admit it. They have been on and off ever since the third year.

"You ready to head out yet? Or do you wanna change your outfit for the 100th fucking time?" I say, a smirk growing across my face.

"Oh shut up you!" And with that, we walked out of our dorm and headed for boys room.


I knock on the door, using our secret knock, and the door flies open to reveal Blaise standing in the frame. "Lovely to see you smoking ladies, on such a fine night as this one," Blaise always had a charm on, only it didn't work on me.

"Get out the way, git." I laugh, pushing past him into the dark-blue-lit room. Finley, Crabbe and Goyle were all there, smoking muggle-weed and sharing two bottles of firewhiskey. I approach Finley who was lying on Blaise's bed.

"Oi! Pass that here," I say, sitting beside him, ruffling his brown, curly hair. He passes me the bottle. Finley was one of my best friends since childhood. We have known each other practically all of our lives. He's like a brother to me.

"Good to see you too," He stated.

I took a small sip of the bottle, when I hear the room's door click shut. I look up to see Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson walking in. Pansy was smoothing out her clothes and her hair. I see Draco look around the room, until his piercing, grey eyes land on mine.

"Had fun I see Malfoy," I called over the loud music. If he heard me, he didn't make out that he did. He just went over to his bed and sat down, grabbing the bottle out of Goyles hand. He looked at me again before taking a long swig from the bottle. I do the same, not breaking eye contact.  What felt like a couple hours of everyone talking but was probably only 30 minutes, I heard Eva shout Truth or Dare. Shit, she knows I despise this muggle game! Everyone walks to the middle of the room, before sitting down. I sat next to Finn and Crabbe, handing him the bottle in my hands. Draco and Pansy in front of me, with Eva and Blaise to my right, leaving Goyle to my left, creating a circle.

The PhoenixTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon