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Raven Gold-Sword

The days blur together. I haven't spoke to Draco, and to be honest I don't plan to... He made his choice, as it wasn't me. He did what he did, and that's final. After all, how stupid could I have been to think that he would care for someone other than himself... 

He was always going to be cold.

Always heartless.

And how stupid was it to think that I could change that...

It's Christmas today... A day that is supposed to be filled with happiness and laughter. But there I was in my room- like always now- sat in the window seat reading Pride and Prejudice, a muggle book, as the rain slid down the window. 

I didn't bother turning up for meal times. I knew that I couldn't face him, or anyone for that matter. I feel bad for Eva. She doesn't know what has happened, and she just wants to help. But I couldn't tell her.

I couldn't accept what had happened.

But I knew that I had to...

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a soft knock erupted in the silent room.

"Who is it?" I say.

"Um- it's Draco..." The soft voice replied.


"I don't want to see you Malfoy."

I knew my words stung. I called him Malfoy. I never do that anymore. It was always bub or darling or love... Never Malfoy.

"Please Raven, I just want to see you... I want to explain myself..."

So you're telling me, this git knew what he had done and it has taken him days to talk to me.

I knew he was going to enter so I didn't reply. He muttered the words Alohomora, and entered.

I didn't dare look at him, I kept my eyes set to one of the gardens, out of the window.

"Can we talk?" He asks.

 He sounds guilty. 

He is guilty.

I slightly nodded my head as I looked at him. He looked terrible. He had bags under his eyes, his hair was ruffled and his face only showed one emotion.


I looked away as I knew if I looked to long, I'd forgive him. But I couldn't forgive him. How does one come back from finding out that their partner that they thought was there soulmate, the one person to understand them, be there for them at all times, cheated. And there was the lies he kept from me. I couldn't forgive him easily. We were toxic, and it has taken me this long to see it.

"I- uh-" He stuttered.

"I know what you did... I saw it..." I muttered, tears welling up in my eyes.

"I-I can explain-"

"Then do Draco... Explain to me why you cheated on me... After what I said at breakfast that day, you decide to cheat on me?!" I was raising my voice. I finally looked into his eyes. His eyes widened when he saw the tears in my eyes. It was like he was finally seeing how much he had hurt me. I felt a new emotion rise inside of me.

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