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Raven Gold-Sword

Yesterday was one of the worst days I would experience...

I hated the fact that I had to break it off with him, but it's all apart of the plan from Dumbledore. I hadn't told him about us breaking up because I knew that he would try to stop me, but I had to do it. I cannot afford for Voldemort to catch on to us, as it would put him in danger. I don't think that Lucius and Narcissa will tell him about the engagement as it isn't really his business. 

"Come on Raven!" I hear Eva call over her shoulder to me.

"I'm coming!" I say back to her.

We are all on our way back to Hogwarts for the next term. Summer term. It is already almost summer, and I am nowhere near to where I need to be...

How do two teenagers kill one of the greatest wizards of all time?

We are teenagers... Not assassins...

I am snapped out of my thoughts, as I approach the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. When I emerge the other side, I see the platform in all its glory. Except, that it wasn't as bright and it wasn't as full. I was glad that there wasn't a large crowd, but at the same time, I was sad. I was sad that everyone at the station had a glum and sad look on their faces. I don't bother to see if my friends are on the platform, because I knew that they would be with Draco. I can't face him. Not right now.

I make my way onto the train and found an empty compartment at the front of the train. I knew that my friends wouldn't bother to come to the front of the train, as they always sit at the back. I put my trunk on the bench opposite me, as I sat looking out of the window. I see the parents waving goodbye to their children, as the train pulled away. Some were even crying. After all, when will they see their children again? Before or after the upcoming war...

I must be almost halfway to Hogwarts, when I hear a slight patter on the compartment door. I look up to see a girl I don't recognize.

"Um, hi. I am Cara, I'm new here. Do you mind if I sit with you?" She says softly.

Cara is beautiful. She is just absolutely stunning. She had long, blonde, wavy, hair that fell perfectly, framing her face. She had piercing blue eyes that looked like they belonged to a tropical, Mediterranean sea and a button nose that looked flawless. She had high cheeks bones and full plump lips the shade of roses. She was every guys, dream girl...

"Oh hi, I'm Raven. Yeah sure, just let me move my trunk." I answer, getting up and moving my trunk under the window.

I help Cara and moved her trunk on top of mine. There was a bit of an awkward silence.

"So... How come you're coming to Hogwarts in your 6th year?"

"My parents are transferring from America to here." She smiles at me.

"Oh cool! So you went to Ilvermorny?" I asked her, trying to keep the conversation alive.

"Yeah! I loved it there! But I'm glad I got to leave..." I looked at her shocked, "The girls are a bit... bratty."

We both laughed.

"Believe me, there is a few girls here that are VERY bratty..." I say back.

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