Chapter 14: Zach Attack

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Not too much later the lunchtime bell rang and we all gave a little cheer, happy to be done with our schoolwork for at least one hour. I sprang from my seat, grabbing my art portfolio in a rush.

"Still going to the art studio to drop off your painting?" Zola asked, eyeing my portfolio.

"Yeah, I need to talk to Mrs. Gomez about the open house, but then I'll join you all for lunch," I said.

"Need any help?" Casimir asked, smiling brightly. "I can go with you."

"Um, no. I'm fine," I said bluntly. I was taken aback for a moment, uneasy with his need to help. I was pretty sure grandpa was still having him follow me in case I fainted again, but I was slightly annoyed by this because it had been weeks since the last incident.

"Oh, okay," he said, only slightly disappointed by my refusal. "Are you sure? I can carry your painting or..."

"Please don't worry," I insisted, my annoyance growing. I could feel a blush growing on my cheeks. I was never sure how to deal with people being overly helpful. If I could only read his emotions I knew I would probably feel better, but I just didn't trust his motivations. Zola's loud cooing cut into my thoughts.

"Aww! How cute!" she sang, leaning closely into Casimir. "Casper doesn't want to be separated from her! True love perhaps?"

"Z-ZOLA!" I sputtered quickly, glancing at Casimir's face, which was blushing heavily. "Stop teasing him!" I leaned in close to her, holding up my hand so as to whisper, although I was pretty sure Casimir could hear everything. "You need to stop before Casimir thinks you are being serious!"

"What if I am being serious, huh?" Zola whispered back. She was grinning now, a sly smile sliding across her face. I had hit my limit of embarrassment, my cheeks now a rosy red. I bolted, clinging to my portfolio bag as I made a mad dash for the exit.

"I'm going!" I spat out, cursing myself for getting so overwhelmed. I heard Zola call behind me, claiming to just be joking. I told them I would see them later but didn't look back as I ran out the door. I hoped I wouldn't be followed as I ducked and weaved around slower-moving students in an attempt to get some space. Once outside I let out a deep sigh, taking in as much fresh air as possible to calm my nerves.

Why did Zola have to say that? I thought bitterly. The image of Casimir's smiling face replayed in my mind and I felt my heart skip a beat. He's just being polite, it's nothing. Zola's just been watching too many romance stories.

I was fantasizing about napping on the train ride home when I heard a familiar voice coming from under the walkway around the corner. It was a popular location for secret make-out sessions until the administrators locked the doors to the side entrance, making it impossible to sneak in and out discreetly. I stopped short when I heard the voices begin to argue. My hackles immediately raised when I heard the tone in the second person's voice.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," she whimpered.

"Come on, don't be a tease," Zach chuckled. "Will told me everything."

"H-he what?"

"It's just a kiss, what's the big deal?"

The girl cried out meekly and I found myself rushing forward, anger burning inside me. As I rounded the corner I cried out harshly, hoping to alert someone to the situation if I couldn't stop it.


Zachary stared at me, shocked at my sudden and loud appearance. The girl let out a small 'eek' noise as she turned away from Zach. I recognized her from a class that was a year behind us. I couldn't remember her name but she was a skinny Asian girl who was in the same music class as Sunita. I was pretty sure she played the cello. Zachary had her cornered, pushed up against the pillar much like he had done to me a few weeks ago. He pulled his arm away quickly, stepping backward and the girl took her chance, running away in embarrassment. Part of me knew I should run after her, but I stood there, glaring at Zachary as rage began to fill my body. I don't even think I was this angry when he attacked me, but there was something about seeing it happen to someone else that just pushed me over the edge.

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