Chapter 3

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"No, where did you get that from?"

"Anyone with a proper eyesight can see what the two of you have going on. It's really not that big of a deal, I'm sure everyone already knows."

"Well, Reki doesn't know about it."

"You really should tell him you know? Trust me, he feels the same way."

Langa knew that wasn't true. If Reki really liked him, he would've took the hint. In fact, Langa literally confessed to him. If he really liked Langa, he wouldn't have been trying to run away from all this.

"He really doesn't feel the same way though." Langa mumbled in a way Miya couldn't hear.


       Reki's thoughts about Langa has changed a lot since the day he kind of confessed. Langa said he liked him, but them told him to ask out another girl? It's a huge misfortune that Reki cant't read minds. He could just go ask Langa how he feels but that would be... embarassing, on both sides. His plan was so much easier and less humiliating.

     Now that he asked Langa out on a not date thing. He could continue his path.

      If he knew what Langa actually meant that day, he would've said something. But the way he put it out was, ugh. He would've rejected Langa and they would've moved on, easy.


Nope, it wouldn't have been easy.

Langa had a lot of fangirls. This never really bothered Reki, up until now.

While Reki was busy skating, a girl that looked older then them approached Langa. Reki was too far away, he couldn't hear what they were talking about. Though seeing the dead look on Langa's face made Reki feel a little bit better.

"Jealous much?" said the familiar voice behind Reki.

Reki turned around to see Joe.

"No, of course not. We're just friends."

"Yeah. I know that. You know, you didn't have to go out of your way to justify it."

"What are you sayi-"

"I'm just saying, that was very suspicious. What are you hiding, spill"

How the fuck-

"Ugh, fine. Langa said something yesterday, but i got no clue what he meant by that?"

Reki then went on and explained what happened with every single detail. He also mentioned this morning to prove his point to Joe.

"You're right, that is very confusing. Why don't you just straight-up ask him?"

"Because if he doesn't like me back its going to be embarassing."


What did i just say?

"No wait, that's not what I wanted to say I meant that like-"

"Okay buddy, I get it. Well, good luck with that." Joe headed back to where he came from, leaving Reki by himself.

That's not what i wanted to say it just came out, ugh.

Reki didn't stay alone for too long, he saw Langa possibly saying bye to the girl -or woman perhaps- and walking towards Reki.

Reki then remembered what he just blurted out while talking to Joe and for some reason, he started blushing.

Langa immediatly noticed and got concerned.

"Reki, your face is red, are you okay?"

Is it really that noticeable?

"I'm fine. It's probably just the weather... Or something, i don't know."

"Oh okay. When are we leaving for food?"

Right, they're going out for food. As friends. Totally platonic.

"Yeah, it definetly isn't platonic on my side." Reki thought.

"Oh wow i really am in love with Langa... Eh, maybe i'm not as straight as i think i am."


note: OK I REALLY LIKE THIS CHAPTER PAMSGSHSKA also im number 104 on the skating hashtag out of 2000 others UHM thanks for reading thisss and please vote on the chapters!!! i know this took a while to post so sorry about that :") ill post chapter 4 tomorrow or sum. ANYWAYS THANKS FOR READING BYE

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