CH 21

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|Tae will set it up?|

Author POV:

After Taehyung Finally came back home after Having dinner at Jimin's, he was studying quietly on his desk. The Whole room was dark, he was studying in the light of the Study light on his desk.
'gosh! Who told you to spend whole day there when you knew you have To Study' he thought
He was busy In his work when The Door of his Room Opened.

"May I come in, son?" He heard his mom's voice. He looked and a big Smile Came on his face.

"Sure, mom!" He said

His mom came In and placed a Glass of Milk on his Desk

"Remember to drink it before you sleep" his mom said

"I will!" He smiled

"Is dad asleep?" Taehyung asked

"Yes, he came Tired from Work" his mom Said

"What about Tae Yi?" He asked

"She's asleep as well" he got Reply

"Then, why are you still awake?" Taehyung said

"I just couldn't sleep so I thought I should give you some milk"his mom smiled

"THANK U!" Taehyung showed his box Smile to his mom

His mom smoothly Turned her hand over his hand Saying "you are so hardworking"
Tae didnt say anything but showed his big Boxy smile again. Suddenly Taehyung's Phone rang.
"Excuse me" he said and picked up the call

"Hello?" He said after picking up the call

His mom Smiled and left the room saying "take your time"


"Who am I talking to to?" Tae said

"I'm someone who'll give you lots of Joy!"

"You are sooyoung, right?" He said

"Why'd you ask when you know it" Joy said

"Where did you get my number from?" He said super coldly

"Where can I get it from, Ofcourse I asked Jimin~" Joy said in a cute way

"And why are you calling me this late? It's almost 12 o'clock" he said

"Just wanted to check if he Gave me the Right number, who knows he could just fool me" joy said

"Ok now that you have made sure, I guess You Should hand up" Tae said

"C'mon! Are you coming University tomorrow?" Joy said

"Ofcourse, I'm regular. I don't skip any class" Tae said

"Okay than see you at the Cafeteria at 11 o'clock" joy said

"But I have a class at that time" Taehyung said but she already hung up. Taehyung stared at his phone for a Few seconds with a pout. Now he opened Jimin's contact and messaged him "you must come to Uni Tomorrow" and  continued what he was Doing


Ofcourse Jimin is a Night owl so He's still awake. When he saw the text from Tae he Replied him "ok..."

The next morning:

Jimin standing at the Door Of the University Building Questioning his Decision that why he came here.

"Gosh where's that Mr Tae" Jimin mumbled

Still standing the same, instead of Tae he saw Joy with her Friends. he suddenly Looked around as if she's not even standing there buy as Joy came closer without noticing Jimin, Jimin ran and hid Behind a Tree which was close to him and God Knows why he did that. when Joy disappeared be took a Sigh of relief. Now Someone held his shoulder from Back Saying "are you okay"

He immediately looked back and the Person was Taehyung

"Are you out of your mind, why are you hiding here?" Taehyung said

"Haha, As if I was I hiding! Tell me why you wanted me to come today?" Jimin said

"Meet Joy in th Cafeteria at 11o'clock" taehyung said and left instantly

"Yah! You Told me to come just for that?" Jimin shouted at Taehyung who was leaving. Tae Raised His hand in a cool way as only his Back could be seen by Jimin. Jimin Rushed towards him and held his hand.

"Yah! Why do I meet her?" Jimin said

"Because she told Me to meet hr at that time but I have a class And I couldn't tell her that so If I won't go she'll keep waiting so it's better If you go" Tae said in a cold as if he is doing a speech

"Taehyung are you Really this Stupid or You just pretend to be? You should have just Texted her that you Can't come" Jimin Said

"That'd seem awkward"  Tae said

"Wait, I will say that to her for your okay?" Jimin immediately took out his phone and Texted Joy "Hey! Taehyung can't come on 11 Because he have a class, you can meet him on 12"

"Yah! Why did you say I'll meet her on 12!?" Tae said in loud voice

"Because you should" Jimin said politely

"I have to pick Tae Yi from school at 12!" Tae Said

"Don't worry about that, I'll do it! Your sister is my sister" Jimin said patting Taehyung's Shoulder

"Yah, I don't want you to do that, just meet Joy for me. Huh?" Taehyung said

"Sorry" Jimin said and was about to Leave when taehyung shouted hurriedly

"I'll help you set up a date with Mion If you help me now!"

"What?" Jimin said Looking back and taking a step towards Tae

"I'll....set up a Date with Mion for you..." Tae Siad hesitatingly

Jimin laughed at bit at what Tae just said

"Are you crazy? How will you do that?" Jimin said

"Leave that to me" Tae said

"Gosh why won't you just let me Pick up Tae Yi and Meet her Yourself?" Jimin asked Tae forrowing his eyebrows

"Because I don't trust you" Tae said

"Wtf? You don't trust me?" Jimin Laughed in disbelief

"Bro will I kidnap you little sister? you spend your 24 hours in my home and you don't trust me, I would have kidnapped you by me I'd I wanted" Jimin almost Shouted

"Uh I don't know, mom told me that I should do my Duty myself.." Tae said with pout and an innocent face

"Gosh! You can survive In this cruel world! Set up the date for me, I'll meet Joy" Jimin said

"Jinjja!?" Taehyung said

"Gosh that's not something to be so shocked about"Jimin said left

Taehyung was so happy god knows why...

End of chapter 21

Author: lol, do you think Tae will be able to do it?
Remember to vote! Thank U for reading~

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