CH 2

68 13 3

Sleep or her

Author pov:

Mion's Step-btother (Leo) went to See her off to the airport.

"It's almost time for the flight" Leo said

"Yea I'm going in..." Mion said

"Yep! See you soon again In dreams only" Leo said

"Ah stop it. I'm going" Mion said while smiling

"Yea bye-bye, safe trip!" Leo said while waving his hand.

Jimin's pov:

I was about to call Aaron, that brat when my phone suddenly went like turururu revealing Aaron's number ~ I picked up the call.

On phone:

"This is called, think of the devil and the devil is right here" I said

"are you talking about me?" Aaron said

"Yep I am talking about the devil inside you" I said

"Are you alright?" Aaron said

"Ofcourse I am...well, you such a traitor! you never told me you even have an older sister who's the same age as me" I said

"What would you do by knowing?" He said

"C'mon! Why does everyone doubt my pure intentions?" I said

"You? And pure intentions? Ah doesn't go well together, such a joke" He said weirdly

"I'm such a pure soul, you all can never recognise me. Anyways, I heard from mom that your sister looks like you.i can already predict how ugly she must be" I said

"Don't you dare say anything about my sister, and don't you try hit on her she must have some High standards~" He said

'huh who are you to tell me anything, little monkey' This was what I thought but the words came out of my mouth were:

"Well...I doubt that, if she have Hight standard shell probably fall In love with me"

Aaron sighed.

"Okay so enough of this, when is she coming?" I said

"Any of your business?" He said

"I was just asking because mom told me to..." I said

"She did?" He said

"You are not going to say 'any of your business?' again, right?" I said while immitiating him

" and father are going to pick her on 6am tommorrow" he said

"Oh, then are you free tomorrow at 6am?" I said

"Are you kidding me?" He said

"I am not...are you free?" I said with high hopes of a 'yes' reply

"I just told you that I am going to pick my sister Tommorrow at 6!" He said

"So what? Whatever...can I come too?" I said

"No! We don't have enough space in the car for a elephant like you!" He said

"Hey! You should respect me! I am your elder cousin" I said

"Respect? Whatever" he said

"Then,I am coming tommorrow to pick her up with you and my sweet uncle"

"Sweet uncle?" He said

"Yup! I just realised my uncle is so sweet" I said

"Gosh! I can't believe you! You change your tone so quickly. Anyways, I called you to-" he said

"Ok bye! I am really sleepy right now I will see you tomorrow at 6am ,bye my lovely brother" I interpreted him with a fack yawn

"Hey listen!" Aaron said

Call ended

I cutted the call and started thinking what I should do now... there are still 9 hours left until I'll see her, I should just probably sleep. But I couldn't feel sleepy at all even though I said it to Aaron.
I called my Friend Tae and asked him to meet at the Arcade so we can kill some time. Fortunately, he was also free so we met at Aracde.

"Hey here!" Tae said while waving his hand towards me from a distance.

I ran towards him as soon as I saw him and we decided to play some games. It just felt like half an hour to me but even before I knew it was already 1am and we were playing games for hours!

"OH GOSH! I guess it's been long since we are playing, I didn't even feel " I said

"Yea I guess" Tae said while breathing heavily

"Why are you out of breath though?" I said while breathing heavily

"Same goes for you...why are you out of breath?" He said

"Oh I understand yours, seems like playing against me was so hard for you" I said with a smirk

"Aish! Stop it and let's go home now or my mom will give an earful for coming home late" Tae Siad

"Ah kid! It's ok, you can go I'll stay for longer" I said while being proud

"Are you thinking of sleeping here tonight? C'mon, the owner will kick you out. I'm 100% sure they don't like trash" he said

" had to go I think?" I said with a smirk

"Yea, see you.." Tae said

Tae left

"Ah what should I do now, how come I don't feel sleepy at all? What's wrong with you Jimin! Pull yourself together man!" I was just talking to my self like this but suddenly I thought I got a call I pulled my phone out of my pocket and it was just an alarm I sighed it was 2o'clock already. I went home and because I am a sleepy horse, it didn't take me two minutes to fall asleep Ofcourse I brainwashed my mom to wake me up at 6am but all I remember is...

"Jimin! Wake up!" Mom said while moving my whole being like is a toy

"Ah mom, let me sleep jut 10 more minutes" the sleepy me said
After a while

"Jimin! Hey Jimin! Wake up now guests are here!" Mom Said angrily

"I am up..." I said while I was actually not up

"Everything have its limit and you've had that if your sleep! Just hell get up now" Mom shouted

"Ah is it 6am already?" I said being sleepy

"You talk about 6am!? Its 1pm" mom said

I woke up hurriedly and checked my phone, I had a few missed calls and texts from Aaron saying 'hey are you really coming or just kidding'
'i guess you are not coming, right? We are leaving without you don't say anything later'

I'm sure I only slept 10 more minutes but when my mom woked me up again I was shocked to know it was 1pm already? Like what the hell!

Mom had already left seeing me waking up and now I was curious, who are those guests who came?


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