Chapter 9

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Taeyong POV:
During the break, the days felt like weeks and the weeks felt months. Johnny continued to stay with me, cause again, he didn't trust me. Even though Johnny was with me every second of the day, I still felt empty. Very empty. Yuta felt like he was a part of me. I feel so incomplete without him.

I woke up in my bed, finally having the courage to sleep in our room. I was dreading getting up today, everyone in 127 had practice today. We were all gonna learn our new choreo for our song. That not only meant that I had to see Yuta but also that I had to see the members. I really didn't know if anyone else knew. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't. And if the members knew the company must have known.

I groan finally getting up to brush my teeth and walk downstairs. I see Johnny downstairs eating cereal at the table, "Morning." He said before taking another spoonful of cereal. "Morning." I mumbled trying not to sound rude. I walk to the kitchen grabbing a bowl and the cereal, pouring myself my own bowl. I opened the fridge getting the milk but I only saw almond milk which pissed me off even more.

"Almond milk really?! Who the fuck drinks almond milk?!" I yell.

I see Johnny flinch a bit which made me calm down a bit. "I'm sorry. I'm just not having it today. I'm super stressed."

Johnny nods, "I know. Just try not to worry about it. Everything will be fine. And if you're worried about seeing Yuta, I've already promised you numerous times that I'll help you." I nod in response. It was easier said than done. "Also fuck you. Almond milk is good. You can't even taste shit." I just laugh pouring the milk into my cereal. He was right. Not about everything being okay, about the almond milk thing.

My manager comes to pick me up as well as Johnny, well probably not expecting to see Johnny. When we got in the car, my manager had a shocked face probably expecting to see Yuta.

As we get closer to the SM building, I feel my stomach turn. I was nervous. For what reason? I really don't know. I guess Johnny saw how nervous I was because he put his arm around my shoulder and whispered, "Everything will be okay." I feel a little better after he reassures me.

My manager parks the car in front of the entrance as I was taking my sweet time getting off, well not until Johnny scolded me to hurry up. We walk in getting greeted by the staff.

We finally arrived in the dance practice room, surprised that no one was here yet. I set my stuff down and started to do some stretches.

Some of the members arrive greeting me with a hug, which seemed normal which made me assumed that the members probably didn't know about the situation which made me glad. Well all greeted me with a hug, expect Yuta. When he walked in he ran to Jungwoo and gave him a hug. I'm not usually a jealous person but seeing him hug Jungwoo kinda made me glare a bit. Jungwoo caught my glare in the corner of his eye and quickly let go. Yuta pouted and clung so Jungwoo's arm.

For the rest of the practice Yuta basically ignored me. Not in a obvious way either, it was like I wasn't there at all. He clung to different members during the breaks. It was obvious he was slipping in and out of his headspace. I got a little upset because I wanted to be the one who comforted him in his little space.

After practice the members just laid on the door finally catching their breath. Yuta was clinging onto Haechan this time, playing his fingers. Ten walked in and Yuta got up and ran into Ten's arms. "Tennnieee!!" He yelled giggling. The members got up and greeted and him but I stayed in my spot. I don't know if I was mad, sad, upset, or broken. But all I knew is that I didn't like what I was seeing.

Author POV:
Yuta nuzzled his face into Ten's neck automatically feeling sleepy in the younger's hold.

Haechan came up to Yuta poking his back lightly. Yuta lifted his head looking at the direction he felt someone poke his back from and met with a pouty Haechan. "Channie? What's wrong? Yuyu make you feel better! Promise!"

Haechan laughed and patted his head "it's okay bubs." Kissing the top of his head. The members watched as the cute little played with the youngest of the group with their "awes" and "uwus." Taeyong on the other hand has his back turned to everyone pretending to be on his phone. Ten looked at Taeyong feeling bad, wondering if he should go over there. He looked back at the little in his arms deciding it wasn't the best idea. "Buddy are you ready to go?" The little nodded repeatedly earning some giggles from the members.

"Yuyu? You're leaving me?!" Haechan yelled slightly trying not to startle the little. Yuta giggled "Yuyu come back for channie! Me promise!" The little said. Ten realized the little falling into a deeper headspace he bid the others goodbye walking out with the little in his arms with Jaehyun and Johnny following behind.

"Nini come wit Yuyu?" The little said lifting his head up from Ten's shoulder. Johnny smiled at the little "Only if you want me to baby."

This response made the little happy "Mhm! And Hyunnie! Hyunnie too! Pwease!" Jaehyun nodded trying to take the little from Ten's arms but the little didn't budge. "Tennie hold Yuyu not Hyunnie!" The little pouted. Jaehyun pouted back which turned into a pout-off. This made Ten laugh kissing the top of Yuta's head.

They got into Ten's manger's car and arrived to Ten's and Johnny's house. The little ran into the house and started taking toys out of his bin. "Pway?" The little asked. Ten picked up the little, shaking his head. "After your bath baby." The younger said softly.

On the other hand, Taeyong was the last one to leave the building. To cry? Yes but also because he wanted to be alone. He decided to walk home, even though it was already dark outside and it was dangerous especially being an idol, he wanted to take a breather for isolating himself.

It didn't take long for him to arrive to the house since it wasn't too far from the SM building. He got inside realizing that he was staying alone tonight. He sighed went upstairs to wash up and went to sleep cuddling Yuta's pillow.

After Yuta's bath as promised the three played with Yuta.

"Yuyu count! Others go hide!" The four played hide and seek, duck duck goose, and everything else the little wanted to play.

After playing for a couple hours the little decided he wanted to color. 15 minutes into coloring, Yuta started to miss Taeyong. He felt bad that he ignored his boyfriend earlier that day. The little got up and went into the corner and started to cry. The other three didn't realize that Yuta was gone since they were too into coloring until they heard little cries coming from the corner. Johnny turned his head to see the little crying hugging his knees. He got up and walked over to the little taking him into his embrace the other following. "Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jaehyun asked wiping the little's tears. While Ten held Yuta's hand.

"Yuyu miss Yongie."

Ahhhhh it's been a couple Chapter's since I ended off like that. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for any mistakes that I may have missed.

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