Chapter 8

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Author POV:
Yuta stood there frozen, he couldn't move. He didn't know what to feel, sad? Mad? Nervous? He didn't know.

Taeyong stood up and tried walking towards Yuta. Yuta walked back a bit looking down. "Yuta~" Taeyong said, with tears already in his eyes. Yuta looked up at Taeyong one more time before running upstairs to one of the rooms. Taeyong and the others followed him quickly upstairs.

Yuta was hugging his knees as well as his new bunny. He was crying a mess, he was confused as to why he was crying, but he was in his headspace which made him more emotional. Taeyong felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces. He didn't realize what he said was really that bad. He walked over and crouched down next to the little. Trying to hug him the little turned away from Taeyong.

"Yuta please." Taeyong was already crying at this point. "No! Go 'way Yongie! Go 'way!" Yuta yelled, trying push Taeyong away.

"Yuyu no love you! Yuyu..." Yuta sobbed before continuing, "Yuyu hate you!" Yuta curled up into a ball continuing to cry, hugging his bunny. Taeyong couldn't take it anymore, he got up and ran out of the room. "Taeyong wait!" Johnny shouted after him. Jaehyun and Ten walked over to little. They sat down as Ten took him into his lap. "Yuyu no see Yongie anymore!" Yuta wailed. "Shhh I know baby." Ten cooed as Yuta's sobs became more controllable. "Go to sleep baby." Ten said as Jaehyun rubbed Yuta's hands.

Taeyong POV:
It hurt. It stung. I knew what I said was bad but not this bad. He hates me. I'm sure of it. Him slipping into his little space made me even more positive. I messed up big time. I don't think there is any way to tell him the truth.

His words hurt. It's not like I didn't deserve it. It's my fault. Even though most of this is a huge misunderstanding, yelling at him was my worst mistake. I cannot stand to lose him. I love him. Too much. And to to see him in the state he was in hurt me, it was because of me.

Johnny has been staying with me for the past few days. He said he "didn't trust me." Yeah whatever that means. I reassured him that I was fine, but he insisted. It was quiet most of the time. Not necessarily awkward, nor tension, it was a recovering type of quiet.

I was sitting on the couch thinking, being regretful, in pain mentally, feeling guilty. I was snapped out of the thoughts when I saw Johnny coming down the stairs. "You okay?" He asked. This question was a usual question that came from Johnny every hour of the day, and I nodded my head as usual. Even though we both knew I wasn't okay, I still nodded my head. He gave me that sad smile he always gave after hearing my response. He sat down next to me and sighed.

"You know, we both know that's not true." He said earning a sad chuckle from me. "Taeyong, you know you can tell me what's wrong. I mean I know but you can tell me anything that's on your mind."
"I know... it's just that..." I just sighed not wanting to finish my sentence. I didn't want to have another breakdown. I had at least two a day, I was grateful though, Johnny was here to comfort me. Johnny just nodded, getting the hint that I didn't want to finish my sentence. We sat there in another wave of silence.

"Johnny?" He looked at me, waiting for my response. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts without blinking out tears. "Do you think...he'll ever forgive me?" I asked, already having tears being formed in my eyes. It took him a few moments to respond to me, I took it as a no or a "I'm not sure." He just pulled me into a hug where I broke down in his arms, again.

A few minutes passed and he pulled away. "I've told you that I'll do everything that I can to help you Taeyong. I am still keeping my promise okay? Please just trust me." I nodded at him wiping my tears with my sleeve. I just looked gifts I had gotten him the day of our fight. I had them ready in case he was ready to come back home at any moment. I miss him. I really do. But I was the one who caused this mess after all.

Author POV:
Yuta was not taking this well either. He missed Taeyong too, but him being stuck in his little space made him more upset at the situation. A part of him was telling him to go home but the other part of him was still upset, he thought he annoyed Taeyong when he was a little. Not only that, he was scared that Taeyong was actually cheating on him.

The whole situation made Yuta slip deeper into his headspace, which was a baby headspace. This caused Jaehyun and Ten not being able to ask questions, to try to help solve the problem.

Yuta woke up in Jaehyun arms, on the couch. He started coo to himself playing with Jaehyun's shirt which in started woke Jaehyun up.He smiled at the little in his arms. For obvious reasons, Jaehyun stayed Yuta and Ten since Johnny was not here.

"Morning bud." The younger said rubbing his eyes. Yuta just babbled back which made Jaehyun smile.

"Do you wanna go see Tennie?" Yuta nodded as Jaehyun smiled. Jaehyun stood with the little in his arms and carried upstairs to Ten's room. Jaehyun set the little on Ten's bed. The little crawled closer to Ten's face as poked his cheeks. Ten opened his eyes to find the little innocent Yuta poking his face. The younger smiled at the little, sitting up and taking the little into his arms. "Hi baby~" Ten cooed, the little again babbling. Ten looked at Jaehyun.

"He's still in his baby space?" Ten asked suprised. Jaehyun nodded pursing his lips together. Ten's and Jaehyun's goal was to get Yuta in an older headspace or even big. "Poor baby." Ten said combing Yuta's hair, making the little fall asleep again.

"How did he sleep last night?" Ten asked reaching for paci that was on his nightstand and putting it little's mouth. "Not good. He went to sleep around 6. Poor baby was scared." Jaehyun sad that last part in sad tone. Ten looked at the clock to see it 8:23 am. "About 2 hours of sleep. No wonder he's tired." Ten said pouting at the little in his arms.

"Has Johnny called?" Jaehyun bursted out laughing.

"Why are you worried about your boyfriend?" Jaehyun asked teasingly.

"Oh shut up. You're so lucky that Yuta is sleeping. But seriously has he called?"

"Not that I know of."

Later that evening, Johnny came over to check on Yuta. The little was playing on the floor of the living room when he saw the older walked in. He crawled over clinging to Johnny's leg. He smiled looking down at the little picking him and taking him into his arms. "Hey buddy. Whatcha doing?" The little once again babbled not being able to respond with words. The older looked over to Jaehyun and Ten on the couch.

"He's still in his baby space?" Jaehyun nodded. "That's what I said! Poor baby. He hasn't really gotten sleep either." Ten said. Johnny pouted looking at the little who looked back at him with innocent eyes.
"How's Taeyong?" Ten asked. "Not so good either. He's being have breakdowns for the past few days. Not really eating or sleeping. Today is the only day he has gotten sleep. Thankfully he fell asleep before I left." Yuta whined hearing that. The three looked at the little confused. "What happened?" Asked Johnny bouncing him in his arms. Yuta just poured in response. "You wanna go night night?" Yuta nodded. Johnny took the boy up stairs into his room where the two fell asleep together.

A/N: I cried while writing this first part ngl

Anyways sorry I didn't stick to my promise, school is being a pain in the ass right now. Along with writer's block :( I've actually have been writing this chapter for a few days now but again school is being a big meanie right now. It's kinda hard transitioning chapter as well when there isn't really much of a cliffhanger at the end so if next chapter sucks I'm very very sorry :( also sorry if this chapter sucks! I'll probably be updating over the weekend and spring break!
(Also sorry For any mistakes!)

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