Chapter 7

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Author POV:
Taeyong widened his eyes as soon as he saw Johnny. He looked at Jasmine and back at Johnny.

"Johnny? W-what are you doing here?" Taeyong asked clearly nervous.

"Well I was here to ask you what really happened between you and Yuta but now it's clear that you were actually cheating." The older says turning to walk away.

"Johnny! Wait! Please." Taeyong says stopping Johnny. "Please I'm not cheating on him. Please listen to me." He asks with desperation in his voice and eyes. Johnny just nods and heads inside. Before following Johnny inside he turns to Jasmine and says "Look, I'm sorry. I really can't right now." Jasmine just nods and leaves.

"I'm not here to hear your excuses just get straight to the point." Johnny says in a stern tone.

"Okay well. You probably know the first part of the story." Johnny nods at him. "Okay well I said some things that." Taeyong pauses as tears well up in his eyes and his voice cracks. "I shouldn't have said." He says as he lets his tears fall. "Well what did you say?" Johnny asks curiously.

"I told him to stop jumping to conclusions. Which led to the argument. And before leaving I told them if he didn't believe me that we shouldn't be together anymore." Before continuing to the next part Taeyong sobs. "And to find to someone to love him and deal with his bullshit the way I do." After finishing Taeyong falls down to the floor and breaks down. Sobbing uncontrollably. Johnny crouches down to try to comfort Taeyong

"I was only trying to give her a ride home but she wanted to come here to see the house. I wasn't or intending to cheat on him. I love him too much to do that. Please believe me Johnny." Taeyong says while still having a break down.

Johnny widens his eyes as he hears Taeyong's confession. Realizing it just was all a misunderstanding.

"T-Taeyong." Johnny says not having anymore words. He just brings the younger into his hold trying to calm him down.

"Please believe me. Please. I don't want to lose him."

After comforting Taeyong for a half an hour, Johnny finally manages to calm him down.

"I believe you Taeyong. It didn't seem like something you would do, I know how much Yuta means to you. What you said was very wrong but trust me I'll do everything I can to help you get him back. I promise." Taeyong just smiled and nods his head, whispering a little "Thank you" before hugging Johnny.

Yuta POV:
I woke up in the room I stay in when I come to stay with Johnny and Ten as well as feeling big. I felt better so maybe that's why I didn't wake up feeling little. I go downstairs to see Jaehyun sitting on the couch with Ten.

"Hey, Yuta. How are you feeling?" Ten says.

"Better." I say as I stretch and throw myself on the couch beside Ten.

"Good. So do you feel like doing anything? I actually have to head to the mall to buy something. Do you wanna come with?." Jaehyun says reaching over to pat my head.

"Yeah sure. I need something to do anyways. We should go see a movie or something." I reply.

"Whatever the prince wants." Ten says giggling as Jaehyun giggles with him.

Taeyong POV:
I get in the car with Johnny to head over to his house. I was so thankful Johnny heard me out. I turn to him to say thank you.
"You don't have to keep thanking me." He laughs
"I know I'm just sorry. Sorry for causing the mess." I reply

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. You should be apologizing to Yuta. He needs it."

"But does he even want to see me? Johnny! He said he didn't love me anymore!" I slightly yell forgetting Yuta is upset with me.

"Well...." Johnny says not knowing what to say next. I whine at his response.

"Hey! If I know anything about Yuta he loves you unconditionally. I'm sure he'll hear you out eventually."

"Eventually?! What if he hates me? What I said was unforgivable. I neglected him!"

"Taeyong calm down. I already promised you I will do everything to help you." I just sigh clearly worried and slump back into my seat.

We pull up into the driveway as I mentally and physically prepare myself for what is about to go on in a few moments.

I get off the car feeling very nervous. Johnny unlocks the door. The house is quiet.

"Oh right they're not here right now. Jaehyun had to go run some errands so I am assuming Ten and Yuta are with him."

I felt relieved but also sad at the same time. At least I had more time to mentally prepare. I sat on the couch to watch TV for the next few hours.

Yuta POV:
Jaehyun parked and we got off the car. "What did you even come here for?" Ten whined.

"You know you didn't have to come right?" Jaehyun says as he rolls his eyes.

"Hey! I only came because Yuta was coming!" Ten whined again. I just chuckled at them.

"Well since you're so curious." Jaehyun says sarcastically. "I just wanted to get Yuta out of the house and have his mind focused on something else. So we're not actually shopping for me."

"Wow! Jaehyun being generous? Unbelievable." Ten says sarcastically as he pretends to be shocked.

"Hey no one said we were shopping for you jerk!" Jaehyun says as he hits Ten's arm. I just give Jaehyun a hug. "Thank youuu Jaehyun!"

We walk into one of the stores which had a bunch of stuffed animals and lots of kids toys. I pick up a pink bunny. "Jaehyun! Ten! Look!" I say a little too loud for my liking.

"What did you find Yuta?" Jaehyun asks.

"Bunny! Yuta want it for wittle Yuyu!" I say not realizing that I was slipping into a little headspace. I see Ten and Jaehyun exchange looks with each other as I just now realized what I said. I cleared my throat and head to check out.

"Forgive me Yuta but can we please go see that movie now? I'm getting tired and hungry!" Ten whines.

"You're be awfully whiny today." Jaehyun says jokingly.

"And you're being a jerk today but no one had said anything about that have we?" Ten fires back.

"Okay okay. We can go now. This mall really doesn't have anything that I'm interested in other than the store we just went in." I reply

Author POV:
"That movie was so boring." Jaehyun whines as they get into the car. "It was not! You fell asleep before the movie even started!" Ten says.

Yuta was too busy playing with his new bunny to even care what Ten and Jaehyun were talking about. Jaehyun looks at Yuta in the review mirror and smiles to himself.

Yuta realizes that he's slipping into his little space. And he quickly puts the bunny back.

Jaehyun parks in front of the house and the three get off.

"I am literally going to take the biggest nap when we get inside." Yuta says as his bunny is clutched to his chest. The younger just laugh as they open the door.

"Johnny you will not believe what Jaehyun did for me today-" Yuta says but stops once he sees who is sitting beside him.


A/N: Again I am so sorry for not updating. I have been really busy with school. I also have been staying with my sister so I haven't really had time to update. Anyways! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry if there is any mistakes! I was too lazy to read over it since I kinda wrote a lot! I'm gonna start updating my daily(hopefully) since I now know where I want this story to go!

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