Chapter 2

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Author POV:
Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows confused. "Of course I do. What makes you think that?" Taeyong spoke. "I- just- I don't know." Yuta didn't want to jump to conclusions and tell Taeyong about his dream. He really wasn't interested in arguing. It didn't help that their relationship wasn't in a good place. Yuta just sighed and turned to Taeyong. They both fell asleep in each other's arms

Taeyong POV:
I was very rare for Yuta to fall into his headspace. It more of a coping method than just feel little whenever he felt like it. He usually slipped when he was stressed or upset. I found it quite adorable.

I smiled to myself when I saw that Yuta was still asleep huddled up with lots of blankets. He's such a baby. I chuckled lightly at that thought. It was true though, even when he was awake he looked like a baby. I went over to the bed and kissed his cheek and headed out the door.

I was heading over Yuta's favorite bakery to get him breakfast. I wanted to surprise him with his favorite pastries. God that boy really loved his pastries. I wanted to make it up to him for always being so busy. And obviously to reassure him I still loved him. I don't know he would think that. Of course I did.

I was greeted with a very pleasant smell. When it was my turn I was met with someone very familiar. "Taeyong?" The girl spoke. It was my old classmate.
"Oh my god Taeyong! How are you?"
"I'm good. And you?"
"I'm doing good as well. I'm just busy."

We made small talk before I finally decided choose the pastries. "I wouldn't have taken you as the type of person to work at a bakery." "And I didn't know you would be an idol, see life is full of surprises." I slightly smiled at her remark. "Alright your total is $20.42." I gave her my card and she swiped it. "Are you heading anywhere?" She asked.
"Not really anywhere special. Just back to my place." "Oh cool. Look I hate asking for favors but do you mind if I catch a ride with you. I don't have any sort of transportation to my house. And maybe you can show my your place?" She smiled sweetly after finishing. I sighed in defeat before nodding slowly.

Yuta POV:
I woke up and to see Taeyong not there, again. I sighed a very sad sigh. I used to it. Today I was gonna was gonna talk to him. I had to, it was the only way we could salvage our relationship. I understand he's always busy with our comeback but it was getting to the point where we barely even made any sort of contact between us. Even at practice or recording sessions. The thought of it made me almost burst out in tears. After 5 minutes of debating with myself whether or not I should get up, I forcefully dragged myself out of bed and brushed my teeth. I opened my door and I heard laughter from downstairs. I reach the end of the stairs to meet eyes with not only Taeyong but Jasmine. Last night's dream replayed in my head again.

If you have made this fair good job 👏🏼 my writing honestly sucks.

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