Chapter Twelve

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"y-you..." Xu Liang pointed his point finger towards Huang Zhangwei and tried to retaliate but couldn't utter another word

Huang Zhangwei's raised his eyebrows and tilt his head a little as he wait for Xu Liang's response but as expected, nothing came out which made Huang Zhangwei's smile grew wider.

Seeing Huang Zhangwei reaction made Xu Liang speechless. Realizing Huang Zhangwei has been teasing him, Xu Liang close his mouth and breakaway from Huang Zhangwei's embrace as he noticed Huang Zhangwei was a little distracted.

"I-I'll let the kitchen know that you're drunk and let them prepare a hang over soup for you" Xu Liang made up an excuse to run away knowing nothing of what might Huang Zhangwei do next

Huang Zhangwei cross his arms as he watch Xu Liang fleeing back, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Hearing Huang Zhangwei's loud laugh as he finally got out from Huang Zhangwei's chambers made Xu Liang's face become even redder. As red as the the apple candy he just ate before coming back home and walking as fast as he could towards his chambers.


Xiao Ru was walking back and fort, thinking of any ways possible to save his wangfei from the general's wrath.

Hearing a noise from outside, Xiao Ru hastily opened the door and saw Xu Liang's red face.

"Wangfei, what happened to your face?"

Xiao Ru didn't receive any response to his query but instead, he received a thorny glare from Xu Liang

"Prepare the bath and don't forget to let the kitchen prepare a hang over soup for wang ye"

Looking at Xu Liang's red face and his commands, let Xiao Ru get the gist of what happened. Thinking, this might be a good thing to happened for his wang fei and wang ye's relationship development.

Xu Liang unconsciously touch his red lips as he suddenly remember what happened from earlier, the passionate kiss.

Remembering his actions made him reflect on himself, acting like a virgin little fella. It's not like he hasn't been kissed before in fact he'd kissed a few people from his previous life.

Thinking back, the kiss he received from Huang Zhangwei wasn't as barbaric as he though it would be just by thinking Huang Zhangwei's image of being the heroic general instead it was delicately passionate with a sense of longing and regret.

"longing and regret?..huh, it can't be..." Xu Liang shrugged off his thoughts and finished his bath to sleep, thinking it was way too impossible.

Note: Thank you so much for liking this story, I wasn't expecting that people would somehow like this story. Sorry for the long wait, I've been quite busy. This chapter was dedicated to Sherika Miller (Sherimill) and those people who appreciate and liked the story... Thank you so much, this means a lot to me ♡

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