Chapter 16

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16. Lost and Found


"You will end this wedding right now" she says her voice ice cold and her hands glowing dark blue as a few black knights enter the hall behind her.

Regina, I think to myself.

"Maria, what are you doing? How are you here" Snow asks seemingly full of disbelief while Charming just stays frozen in his place, his face just as white as Emma's dress.

"Oh come on mother," The brunette girl spits, the last word out as if it was toxic "..we both know you are the reason for what happened to me so don't pretend for one second you don't know, and now back to the important business" she continues making me gasp as well. I was right my parents did do this, but how is all of this possible what's going on?

Maria's composure suddenly changes as she stands up straight and in the most royal voice I have ever heard she says the following words.

"I, CrownPrincess Maria of the White kingdom hereby call upon my claim on the royal throne, for I have been wronged by the people you call your rules, which ultimately lead to my disappearance over three Years ago." Everyone gasps eyes travelling between her, our parents and me as I try to come up with an explanation to what's going on.

"Well then I guess we will be having a different wedding today!" Killian says with a smirk pushing me backwards and walking towards Rose, Maria I don't know.

She just laughs and it reminds me so much of Regina, god how I miss her.

"You are really full of yourself aren't you Killian." She laughs bitterly then there is a bolt of magic and the next thing I see is him on the ground holding his head.

"Guards get him out of the castle, there will be no royal wedding tonight!" she commands and to my surprise the guards bow before her and do as they are told even as Snow commands them otherwise.

Maria starts walking towards me and I am still frozen until she pulls me into her embrace.

"I am so so sorry for not being able to tell you earlier, I know that Regina isn't as bad as they say, but she still would have had my head if she found out back then. She would have come herself but the dark one placed a protection spell around the castle so she can't enter, we need to go." she whispers into my ear then pulls back and we start walking towards the doors.

"And where exactly are the two of you think you're going?" I hear my mothers angry voice behind us. We turn around and look at each other now smiling and then in unison we say "Home". Rose/Maria then faces the people gathered around us smiling at them.

"I will be back soon to sort everything out and actually become Queen, me being over the age of 21 I do not have to get married to stake my claim and They won't have any say in MY rule, but for now we will leave this up to you, I would like it if you didn't start a war though." And with those words we actually head out of the castle for the first time ever together and out of free will.

Once out of the castle Maria takes my Hand and we are surrounded by dark blue smoke with white streaks again. We reappear in front of the Gate of The dark Castle. We smile at each other once before Maria uses her magic to open the gate with her magic. As we enter everyone gasps in shock. I guess they realized just who is walking towards the throne room.

"Don't worry Regina already knows." Maria whispers as we walk through the corridors towards the dining room.

As we enter the hall I see Regina with her back to us facing the dark forest on her balcony.

"Regina" I yell, she spins around and runs towards me and I pull her into a kiss not even caring that Maria is standing right next to us. After a while Regina pulls back inspecting every inch of my face.

"Are you okay, did they hurt you?" she says so fast it's hard for me to keep up. "I'm fine, Maria got there in time.. no actually I am great now" I answer hugging her close snuggling into her, soaking up the warmth and safety she provides for me.

"I am so sorry for sending you back I-" she starts, regret obvious but I quickly cut her off.

"I heard you in your chambers and in the carriage I heard everything and it wasn't your fault you did what you did because you wanted me to get better and I know you would have saved me if the protection spell wasn't there so I am not angry not at all." I explain and after my declaration I see tears in her eyes so I add "I love you too, My Queen". Teasing her with her title to which she just chuckles.

She pulls me into her embrace and holds me tight "I love you too, my princess."

If it wasn't for Maria clearing her throat we probably wouldn't have moved at all.

"I am so glad you're back together but I could really use something to eat and there are some things we do need to discuss." she laughs at that last part. I turn around and hug her too.

"Thank you, I am so glad you are back even if I don't understand what happened." I whisper into her ear.

"I'll explain what happened over dinner, I missed you so much." she answers.

Regina suddenly starts laughing behind us, not evil, no actually laughing. She needs a moment to compose herself again.

"So let me get this straight Snow was such a bad mother that at the End both of her daughters are living in my castle and don't want anything to do with her?" She questions

Maria and I smile at each other and then at her before Maria answers "I guess we all got what we wanted didn't we, even if it turned out a lot different from what I once thought it would?"and then we all start laughing.

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